Nice and squared windows - just look at those edges!

Work in progress...

Finished! Walls and ceiling are completed!

Nice and bright - no worries, there'll be some color going on those walls eventually.

Right now I'm in the process of drying the basement out. The plaster is still working all the water out of itself as it cures and since the weather here has been so muggy, I can only open a window at night and point a fan out, to try and exhaust the air. It's a slow process, but it's getting there.
Next will be to slap up some primer on everything, then I can start putting together a paint scheme for down here. Lots of ideas running through my head, and they're not all bad, either.
'Course, I do want to get a patio put in out back, I need to get that going before the ground freezes up. Wait..."freezes up"?? Dave, it's only August!! Yeah, but you know how quickly I get things done...if I don't get moving on this patio soon, it'll be next August and it still won't be done. Anyway, from this point, it'll be a mixture of things getting done in the basement, and things moving forward on the patio.
And would you believe I might actually have some bike related tales to post here soon? I know, right? (And you were worried that this blog was turning into a better homes & garden thing...) Got a charity run going on this Saturday which I'll try and snap some pics of and do a bit of a write-up on.
That's all for now...