Another thing I love doing at Halloween; throwing on my costume, heading over to see my niece and nephew and showing it off to them. They get a real kick out of it each year - they throw their costumes on, too, and we ham it up a bit and take a couple of pics. Thanks to my wonderful worthless camera, they came out blurry, but you get the idea. My niece was a “Punk Pirate” and my nephew was an Alien. (An alien who just happened to commandeer a Headless Horseman’s axe, it appears…)

(A funny side-note; their dog Sadie knows me quite well and was all up in my face as I was putting this thing on. Tail wagging, snuffling against me, all excited for attention, etc. As soon as I got the whole thing on and stood up and looked at her, she totally didn’t know who I was. Started backing up, tail tucked between her legs, trying to figure out where I’d gone and who this stranger suddenly was. So of course I had to egg her on by growling and taking a quick step towards her. She didn’t like that at all.)
Lastly; every year on Halloween-day, I wear my skull mask for the ride in to work. Most folks get it. There are some that just give me weird looks, but I do get a lot of smiles and thumbs-up. Kids waiting for the bus always point and wave, so that’s pretty cool, too.

Hope your hauntings were happy and that the ghosts and ghouls took it easy on you…until next year…

Ride Hard, Take Chances
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