Here's the opening shot. The memorial isn't large, but what it potentially lacks in size, it makes up for with devotion, and emotion.

Such detail on one of the main panels. Simply amazing.
This granite bike is a section, by itself. Whenever the most-recent granite block becomes full (of names), they move this granite bike out and add another section so that another section (for more names) can be added.
This memorial is commanding, both in it's simplicity, as well as in it's out-of-the-way location. I like to think that it's tucked away in the middle of nowhere to sort of make it worth finding. It would be too easy to stick this in the middle of a city or some other large metropolis area. But it's in the middle of nowhere. And that didn't take anything away from it at all.
If you're ever in the Hopedale area...scratch that...if you're ever in the Ohio area, take the time to check this out. Your initial reaction may be that this memorial is small and all. But if you pause to think of all the lost brothers and sisters who are remembered here, the gravity of the setting will become evident.
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