Friday night…Halloween. The sun had said it’s goodbyes and the dark was settling in quickly. I was itching for the road, so I donned the gear and followed my front tire out of the driveway.
Not having any destination, I began heading south. I figured I’d check out downtown Providence and see what that city had going on, on this fine evening.
However, I hadn’t even made it to the border yet, when a new plan formed in my head. I wasn’t much in the mood for crowds (which I was sure to encounter in Rhode Island’s capital), so I cut things hard and sliced to the east, picking up a road which I knew would take me to the ocean. I figured it would be a nice long and leisurely ride – the end of which would find me standing on sandy shores, with the waves lapping lazily over my bare feet. Then I’d hop back onto the bike and make for home - an honorable, if not exactly “wild” ride.
I’d cruised through several towns and was jamming along with the tunes flowing from my speakers, when it dawned upon me that I’d be passing near a couple of very dear friends of mine. What the hell, the ocean isn’t going anywhere, let’s see if Ed and Sue are home on this evening.
As their house came into view, I was greeted with darkened windows and silence. Ahhh, good for them – they’re out and about, enjoying the night. I’ll continue along with my previous plan to greet the sea.
Hold on, what’s this? As I cruised gently past their driveway, something caught my eye. Light…in their driveway…and…is that a couple of bodies? It is! It’s Ed and Sue, and they’re sitting in their driveway – candles going, and just hanging out! Sweet!
Banking hard, I circled back and down to greet them. Setting the kickstand to the dirt, I dismounted and we exchanged hugs and greetings. They had a table set up which held several candles for illumination, and an enormous bowl of candy for the little costumed critters making the rounds. I pulled up a chair, graciously accepted the offered frosty and we caught up on things long overdue.
Their street was awash with ghosties and ghoulies, skeletons and storm troopers, pirates and princesses – all manner of creatures! All mischief and assorted evil spells were warded off with bribes of candy and laughter.
Ed and Sue had some excellent setups in their yard and I tried to take pics as best I could, but with near-zero light (the flash just ruins the ambiance of the settings!), most of the pics came out somewhat blurry. Maybe I need to start carrying my tripod on the bike?
Here’s a pic of the front of their house – ghosts in the attic, and creepy eyes in the first floor windows…
A close-up of the eyes. These were blinking in and out. Pretty cool!
Here’s a pic of their mini graveyard. With the flash turned on (which ruins the ‘feel’ of it)…
And here’s the same shot, with the flash off. Bear in mind that while it looks like you can’t see much of the graveyard in the pic, if you were just looking at it with your eyes, you could see everything and it looked really cool.
This guy was visible to the naked eye, but not to my camera, so I had to turn my flash back on.
Ed had a neon light going in the barn, acting as a creepy backlight to everything else. I snuck inside and snapped a pic of his bike – I liked the blue tint to it. Kinda hard to make out here, but the pic did come out well.
And lastly, here’s a pic of the hospitable hosts, who opened their…driveway…to the creatures of the night, and also to a lone rider. Thanks Guys!!
I hope everyone else was able to scare up a frightfully good time. I know I did!
Happy All Hallow’s Eve!
Not having any destination, I began heading south. I figured I’d check out downtown Providence and see what that city had going on, on this fine evening.
However, I hadn’t even made it to the border yet, when a new plan formed in my head. I wasn’t much in the mood for crowds (which I was sure to encounter in Rhode Island’s capital), so I cut things hard and sliced to the east, picking up a road which I knew would take me to the ocean. I figured it would be a nice long and leisurely ride – the end of which would find me standing on sandy shores, with the waves lapping lazily over my bare feet. Then I’d hop back onto the bike and make for home - an honorable, if not exactly “wild” ride.
I’d cruised through several towns and was jamming along with the tunes flowing from my speakers, when it dawned upon me that I’d be passing near a couple of very dear friends of mine. What the hell, the ocean isn’t going anywhere, let’s see if Ed and Sue are home on this evening.
As their house came into view, I was greeted with darkened windows and silence. Ahhh, good for them – they’re out and about, enjoying the night. I’ll continue along with my previous plan to greet the sea.
Hold on, what’s this? As I cruised gently past their driveway, something caught my eye. Light…in their driveway…and…is that a couple of bodies? It is! It’s Ed and Sue, and they’re sitting in their driveway – candles going, and just hanging out! Sweet!
Banking hard, I circled back and down to greet them. Setting the kickstand to the dirt, I dismounted and we exchanged hugs and greetings. They had a table set up which held several candles for illumination, and an enormous bowl of candy for the little costumed critters making the rounds. I pulled up a chair, graciously accepted the offered frosty and we caught up on things long overdue.
Their street was awash with ghosties and ghoulies, skeletons and storm troopers, pirates and princesses – all manner of creatures! All mischief and assorted evil spells were warded off with bribes of candy and laughter.
Ed and Sue had some excellent setups in their yard and I tried to take pics as best I could, but with near-zero light (the flash just ruins the ambiance of the settings!), most of the pics came out somewhat blurry. Maybe I need to start carrying my tripod on the bike?
Here’s a pic of the front of their house – ghosts in the attic, and creepy eyes in the first floor windows…

A close-up of the eyes. These were blinking in and out. Pretty cool!

Here’s a pic of their mini graveyard. With the flash turned on (which ruins the ‘feel’ of it)…

And here’s the same shot, with the flash off. Bear in mind that while it looks like you can’t see much of the graveyard in the pic, if you were just looking at it with your eyes, you could see everything and it looked really cool.

This guy was visible to the naked eye, but not to my camera, so I had to turn my flash back on.

Ed had a neon light going in the barn, acting as a creepy backlight to everything else. I snuck inside and snapped a pic of his bike – I liked the blue tint to it. Kinda hard to make out here, but the pic did come out well.

And lastly, here’s a pic of the hospitable hosts, who opened their…driveway…to the creatures of the night, and also to a lone rider. Thanks Guys!!

I hope everyone else was able to scare up a frightfully good time. I know I did!
Happy All Hallow’s Eve!

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