Cut to the past; towards the end of last year, a local township bailed out on a bike they'd ordered from the factory. The reason for the default had something to do with the all-to-familiar 'budgetary woes' theme, but the end result was that a mint, reconverted police-issue bike was sitting on the dealership floor. Greg wound up benefitting from that township's shortcomings, but it was a bittersweet victory, as barely had the ink dried on the contract before the bike was being wheeled away to hibernate for the winter months.
Cut to the present; today was the day Greg was to pick up his bike. The poor bastard must have used up all his luck in landing the bike in the first place, for the weather today was not cooperating. Last Saturday? The temps were 75 degrees. Today? Ha, we'll be lucky if they get out of the 20's. That wasn't about to deter him, though. Bundled up and ready, he'd retrieved said bike from its deep slumber. Luckily, my house fell along the path of his travels so I was able to get a chance to check this beauty out.
Which brings us to...pictures!
Look at that sexy beast. (The bike isn't too shabby, either.)

"Face forwards, look into the camera..."
"Turn to the left, look straight ahead..."
Ok, enough screwing around. Let's get back to the bike. It's an '09 Police Issue Electra Glide, complete with the 103" motor. (Drool) The dealership had to remove all the 'official' bells and whistles before releasing it to the public. But it seems like such a shame to have all that 'official' wiring in there and not have it doing anything. (Not to say we didn't discuss a couple of aftermarket ideas or anything...)
This bike is frikkin' sweet. One thing I've always loved about these bikes is the saddle packs. I love the hockey-puck style of latching mechanism, as well as the locks being on the back sides of the bags. I like this setup much better than what comes on the regular tourers.
And let's not forget the impressive declaration on the air filter housing...
Now once he gets the siren installed...er...ha ha ha, I kid, I kid. Let's move along, shall we?
The road was calling and Greg was soon off. There's an awful lot of zero's on that odometer of his and I know he's anxious to start erasing them.
Congrats, Man!
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