It seems that while our day had ended over at Danno's house, knockinig back some BL's, their day was only half over, as they had another ride going on that evening. A group called The Nation of Patriots had organized a campaign where they would pass an American Flag through the lower 48 states, all within 100 days, to raise awareness and support for all members of the military, both past and present.
The flag's tour had started in Wisconsin, back in May, and had passed between many different groups of riders up until this point. Now it was the Metrowest HOG chapter's turn at things and they had a grand plan in mind to set themselves apart from the other chapters; their director (Shannon) would dress up as Paul Revere and would reenact his famous ride, announcing the approach of the British. Sweet! Sounds like a good plan!
So with that, I once again give you the guest-blogging of Janice and Shannon;
Janice: "OMG Dave! It was a riot! Steve and I went to Shannon's house to get her and ride over to the line-up. I laughed all the way to Paramount! She looked freaking adorable! You have to see the pics! LOL
We had a blast and no one got arrested. The police came by when we were at the Minute Man Statue, asking what we were doing and they thought it was cool. It was kinda eerie when the bells started at midnight, I got a little case of the goose bumps. Ha Ha Ha."
Shannon: "The ride Sunday night was awesome! We had 21 bikes with 25 people riding around Boston up to Lexington at 10 at night. And when we were taking pics, the clock was striking midnight...very fitting. I looked like a huge dork, but it was hysterical!
You asked how the flag held up...well...the original wood flag pole did not hold up at all! I didn't even get out of the parking lot at my condo! Jan & Steve had pulled up and once they were done laughing at "the outfit", I asked Steve if he could just check and see how he thought the flag would hold up. He gives the flag a little tug...just very little, and we all hear craaaaacckkk! Oops! Guess that's not going to work right! I ran inside to see what I could find to use as a flag pole. I came out with a broom handle, and one of those collapsible extension poles to use for changing light bulbs that are way up high. The extension pole won! Steve worked magic with zip ties and wire and voila! New flag pole! I should have taken a pic, but it worked!
So we go through the ride...all is well...the colonists are notified that the British are coming. On the way back down 128, it was me, Jan, Steve and Todd. Todd was in front, then me, then Steve & Jan. A Statie pulls up sort of next to me, then pulls a little ahead and stays even with Todd. I thought for sure that I was getting pulled over. I mean, how many DOT-approved Patriot hats are there out there? We get off at 109 and the cop pulls in right behind Todd. I figure if I stay behind the cop, then I should be ok. Blue lights start flashing...Todd pulls over and the 3 of us just keep going! Ha ha!! Good friends we are!! We did end up going back...Steve went first, as I had to stash the patriot hat! Anyway....Todd got a warning about engine lights or some crap like that. I think the guy was just checking things out and had to find something!"
(Ok, this is me (Dave) again): sounds like quite an intersting evening! The following day, they brought the flag to the USS Constitution, where it was raised to fly in the breeze above the deck of that historied ship. Not too shabby at all! After that, it was handed off to the next chapter that would carry the flag along it's planned course.
Ok, time for pics!!
Here's Shannon's bike, complete with "Billy" the horse, mounted on the bars. (Get it? A horse? Paul Revere rode a horse! C'mon folks, work with me here....)

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