First stop; the Pot Belly Pub! We were greeted as usual by The Mayor who quickly set about to making us feel right at home with jokes, busting our asses, and feeding us - all for free again. We paid him back in usual fashion by doing our best to deplete his stores of Bud Light. But the bastard was prepared for us and no matter how many times we returned to the inner sanctum (bar), his minions were prepared for us. A few pics, you ask? Sure, here are some that Chrissy snapped...
Apparently I can get a pretty ticked off look going when I'm waiting for my beer to show up...

Yay, beers have shown up! Everyone is happy once again!

After a few beers in the hot sun, nothing charges the batteries like a quick power nap. (What's that horn sound that's getting louder?)

When the time had come to once again head closer to home, we decided to hit this new place that had just been revamped, right down the street from Walpole. I present to you, the Red Rooster Pub!
Matt doesn't want to be associated with the likes of us...
How many places do you know of where you're greeted by a giant cock when you walk in? (What? It is a cock! What did you think I...oh man, you guys are sick!!)
I hate to say it, but once again we found ourselves with an extra beerverage, just lounging around and playing innocent. We'll have none of that! Matt did his duty as usual. Way to step up, Matt!
Ahh, but he pulled a fast one on me. It was his own beer that he'd swilled. He felt the limelight had been on him long enough and he insisted that I have the honor this week. Ok, but only because you insisted...
From there, we headed up to Chickie Flynn's for some eats and a few nightcaps. When all was said and done (and our wallets were sufficiently emptied), we made our way back to our respective homesteads.
Another successful Sunday was in the books. It's a fresh week, and more plans are already in the works.
Ride Hard, Take Chances
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