A few beers later, I said my farewells and headed off to the house in Wolfeboro. The other guys were staying at Bill’s house, and their Saturday would be occupied with boating, dirt-biking and beer drinking. I was not so fortunate, I had work to do – the plan was to scrape and paint the deck. With any luck, I’d hoped to be able to knock that task out in one day. Matt was going to show up later in the afternoon and lend a hand, and then we’d kick back with beers and watch the lake.
But, like everything else in life, things change. When I got up the next morning, I found that the hill leading down to the water was heavily overgrown and something really needed to be done about that. Switching gears, I put the painting stuff away and grabbed the loppers and shears and set to whacking the hell out of the overgrowth. 4 hours later (and my arms killing me), I surveyed the damage.
Satisfied with the carnage I’d created, I busied myself with yard cleanup and landscaping upkeep. And that’s when I saw the tree. The tree that had apparently come down earlier in the summer and taken some wires down with it. The same tree that the town had cut out of the wires and then left in my front yard. Sweet, thanks for that treat, guys! Let’s see what I have for tools here…ok, I have a saw, but it’s not a chain saw (damn). It’s a hand saw. But not just any hand saw, it’s a hand saw for making doll houses or some other equally small task. Here’s a pic to show you the hilarity I was faced with. Don’t worry Mr. Tree, there’s nothing to fear from this little guy.

By the time that task was completed, my mind was beginning to switch into “relaxation and beer” mode – and that’s when the text came in; Matt had a family issue pop up, and had to change his plans. Bill and the other Matt were headed back to Mass this afternoon and now Matt had to head out as well. I contemplated just hanging out for the night but said screw it. I cleaned up, managed to catch up with those guys on the road, had a beer and a bite with them, and then we all split the scene.
Arriving back home, I caught up with McCarthy and the crew down in Seekonk. Pulling in, what did I see parked and waiting? Hey there, you look familiar!
Yep, it was my old Fatboy, and I'm happy to say that Big Bill has left the suicide clutch setup on there and loves it.
Now by this time, it’d been a long day and I was only going to have a couple of beers and call it an early night. But when I got inside, I found a surprise waiting for me; this place has 35oz beers! Well now, I’d better only have one, then!
Anyway, needless to say the evening wore on much longer than I’d planned and by the time I finally got home, it was rather late and I was rather wiped out. But not a problem, because it’s only Saturday night and I could rest up on Sunday!
Or…I could get the guys together at a bar and catch the Pats game! (I’d like to go with Door #2 please, Alex.) But this wasn’t to be just another football-afternoon-at-a-bar scenario. Ohhhhh no. This was to be a grand event! The bar we went to has these things called ‘towers’. They serve the same purpose as a pitcher of beer, but these things take that concept to a much higher level. They hold 6 beers, have a frozen tube inside (to keep the beer cold, obviously), and have their own little tap! Sweet! Yes please, we’ll take one of those.
We’d barely gotten things underway when we were informed that Coors was doing a promotion and that for every Coors Light we bought, we’d get a free one. Even further; this covered the Towers, too, and if we bought a Coors Light tower, then we’d get a free one, too. Hmmm…this really puts us in a quandary. We hate Coors Light, but we love free beer! Well, we’d better give it a try. What’s the worst that can happen? Well, we were all reminded just how much we hate Coors Light (and it explains why they have to give the stuff away). It took some serious mind-over-matter will power to choke that crap down, but we managed. Thankfully, our waitress was aware of our distress and eased our pain by quickly restoring us to our beloved Bud Light. (We must have looked especially pained because she brought us two!)Look - smiles all around, once again! Yes, yes; Bud Light to the rescue! Throw that Coors Light stuff in the toilet (back where it came from!).
The rest of the afternoon was spent in this manner; cheering our Pats on to another victory (sorry King), and doing our level best to wipe out the bar’s supply of towers.
Needless to say; there was no resting and relaxing done on this day. It was another long day, but certainly well worth it. Great guys, Great times, and (mostly) great beer.
This weekend goes into the “good” column.
Ride Hard, Take Chances
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