Saw something (potentially) disturbing on the news yesterday; the gravesite of PFC Nicholas Cournoyer was vandalized, and some items that friends and family members had left over the years had been taken. I'm hoping the items were taken by someone who was very close to Nicholas and took the things because they miss him so much, and that the items will be returned shortly.
Why the note about PFC Nicholas Cournoyer? Because he was one of the first funerals I attended as a member of the Patriot Guard. This was back in May of 2006. On one hand, it seems like such a long time ago, on the other, it seems like it wasn't that long at all. In fact, I still remember in one of the eulogies that his friends used to call him "Cournoyer the Destroyer". As big and strong as he was in life, a goddamn IED added his name to the list of those who have given the greatest sacrifice possible.
But I digress, as usual. Today is Veteran's Day. I mounted the flags onto the bike last night for the ride in today. (Still gotta get the back of the bike fixed before the big flags can fly again.)

When I got to work, I found that someone had printed off some "Thank a Veteran today!" signs and had put them up. Nice!
I imagine everyone has a friend or relative that is fighting (or has fought) for our freedoms. I'd love to get into the whole debate about the politicians eroding our rights more and more, but this isn't the time. Today we thank and remember those who have sacrificed for us.
Thank You!!
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