It boasted a healthy 7% ABV, and relied on a very simple ingredient listing; Water, Malt, Hops and Yeast.
Not much head, which is good. A healthy sip, savored on the tongue and then swallowed for the after-flavors. Very light “smoke” flavor, no hint of chocolate whatsoever, very bland. Disappointing. Really not much else needs to be said about this one, other than I won’t buy it again.
The only decent thing that came out of this was that I got another decent cap.

The weather really hasn’t been giving us a break at all. All I was asking for was a nice stretch where the roads could melt off a bit and provide me with a safe means of riding the bike to the shop. Well, considering we’ve been getting a new snowstorm every week, it seemed I would need to pounce on any opportunity I had. And just such an opportunity presented itself on Saturday morning. We hadn’t had snow for a few days to the roads were somewhat clear, so I said screw it, I’m gonna ride.
Even though the skies weren’t dumping any white stuff onto us, that didn’t mean the temps were doing me any favors.
Yep; 21 degrees. Oh, and see that little word in the lower right corner? Yeah, that wasn’t a lie. There was lots of it.
I rolled the bike out and parked it next to where my front lawn is supposed to be, when it’s not covered in feet of winter’s wrath. You know you’ve got a rough winter going on when the snowbank is higher than the bike…
Potsy (that’s the nickname we’ve assigned our Florida mascot) took this opportunity to come out and meet Snoop for the first time. He managed to persuade Snoop that it would be safer to just go inside and enjoy warmer temps, than to accompany me on my ice-trek.
Anyway, it was time to get this party started, so I bundled up and got set to head out.
I’m happy to say that despite many encounters with black ice, I managed to finally arrive at the dealership. The bike is now in their hands and undergoing the rebuilding/repairing process. With any luck, I should have it back in time to trade in…er…I mean “ride” soon.
A quick return to the house, where McCarthy and I had set auspicious goals for ourselves; we were going to cook up 3 batches of homemade Kahlua!
Here is my set of ingredients, lined up and ready (McCarthy showed up with his own set, too.)
But before you think that our day was all simple fun and foolishness, I want to let you know that we were also conducting an experiment. That’s right! We were doing science!
Specifically, we wanted to know if high-priced vodka (Smirnoff 100) wound up making better tasting Kahlua than if we just used a basement brand (in this case; Cossack 100). The end result? The Kahlua flavorings are strong enough to mask any flavor imperfections the vodka may have, and we didn’t taste any noticeable difference between the two end results. So in the future, you can bet that I’ll be saving myself some hard earned greenery and going with the cheap stuff.
Making Kahlua is hard, thirsty work. Good thing we had plenty of refreshments on hand to help us get through the day.
You can probably guess how the rest of the day went, what with friends stopping by and getting caught up in the goings-on...
The crew was meeting at my house @ 9:30am and then we were heading off to Boston to catch this year’s Motorcycle Expo.
It seems this show is getting smaller and smaller each year, but maybe that’s just a temporary reflection of the economy, and once that gets turned around, this event may return to a larger size.
I could have taken any number of pics that showed the usual circus wagon mentality. Monstrosities overflowing with lights, chrome, outrageous color schemes…but I’m sure you’ve seen enough of those, yourself. Instead, here are the kinds of bikes that I really like!
I loved the sissy bar and springer seat setup on this one. Still a bit too much chrome for my tastes, though.
An oil change would never be a problem on this bike! (The filter is under the taillight/plate assembly.) That’s a long run for the oil lines, though…
Here’s a sweet café racer! I like the whitewalls and fat tires, too.
I love the rear fender and seat height on this one (even though half of your forward visibility is going to be nothing but your handlebars).
Love the fat blackwalls on this bike.
Another bobber with big thick blackwalls. Oh yeah, Dave likes this look!
This was my favorite bike of the day – a nice stripped rigid bobber with a tall pointed sissy bar. Man, one of these days I’ll have something like this…
Ok, that’s it for the bikes. But this event had something else going on, too. Can you say Midget Wrestling!?!? That’s right, they had an authentic wrestling ring and a couple of midgets from an MTV show (I don’t watch MTV so I forget what the show is called). They were hard core! Throwing each other around, body-slamming, punches, hand-chops, etc. But wait…what’re these things in the corner???
What’s a wrestling match without a garbage can to smash over your opponent’s head? But what’s with the staple gun? Don’t tell me they’re going to… Oh no!!!
Ha! That’s right, they have the crowd throw dollar bills into the ring and then they staple them to each other! In that first pic, one wrestler was getting George Washington stapled to his cheek. And in this next one, the poor bastard’s forehead is being increased in value by 1 US dollar.
That’s right; they stapled it to his forehead!! And of course, during the remainder of the match, the dollar bills would get ripped out, causing streaks of blood to stream down their faces. Definitely not something you see every day!
It was more than we could handle – we had to split for quieter surroundings and comfort ourselves in the arms of familiar friends.
And that was pretty much it for the weekend. Hard to believe that January is already over. Ordinarily I might wax nostalgic about how fast time is flying by but as of right now, I can only hope it speeds up even more. Why? Because we have not one, but TWO snowstorms coming this week. Forecasters are saying we’ll be looking at another possible two feet by the end of the week. Unreal. We just need Summer to get here!!! Because then we can all get back to…
Riding Hard and Taking Chances!