Anyway, as soon as we walked in, Slacka (the bar manager) asks me if I want to be one of the judges. Hell yeah! That means I get to eat sooner than everyone else! :-D
The contestants were lined up and waiting...

Slacka really had things thought out well; each judge had seven numbered styrofoam cups, and a notepad to take notes with. I almost look like I know what I'm doing in this pic...

After we'd tasted each one and ranked our favorites, the three judges (me, Big Ed and Bartender Chris) headed downstairs to discuss and come up with our final ranking. It was just about unanimous, and we were quickly back up and gave our standings to Slacka. At this point, everyone else was invited to dive in, and the place soon quieted down as folks began enjoying the offerings.
A short time later, Slacka announced the top two winners (they each received a gift basket) and there was much applause heard.
And then it was time to really do some damage to the Bud Light supply...

Another fun day, and as always; we walked out having made more friends than we had when we walked in. Each time is great at the PBP!
As a side note, Matt had a stroke of pure genius, and kidnapped one of the PBP's rubber ducks. (The same ducks that are used as drink chips.) This little fella is coming to Florida with us and he's gonna have some adventures to tell all his buddies when we get back.
IF we even come back, that is...
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