We found a spot to park, set the kickstands, strolled over the dunes and aimed for the beach. In our jeans and riding boots, we stood out from all the bikini'd hard bodies like a sore thumb, but we were undeterred. We walked into the water and set the boys down for their photo op. Unfortunately, the waves kept knocking them over (being ducks, you'd think they'd have a better sense of water-balance than this). I finally had to settle for this shot, where at least one of them was upright, and with that, we ambled back to the strip.

Oh yeah - another way that we stood out from the crowd; when we got back to the top of the beach, there was an elderly gentleman and his family. The elderly gentleman had been in a motorized cart, to allow him to travel along the hard-packed sand road along the top of the beach. However, the sand of the dunes proved too much of an obstacle for the cart, and it had bogged down, hard. We asked if we could help them and they were more than thankful that three dusty and dirty bikers would stop to help them out, when so many other folks were just walking around them. So there we were; one in the front and two in the back, and then that sand held no more hold over the cart, as it floated easily over and back down onto solid footing.
It was time for a cold beer on the hot strip of South Beach. We'd earned it.
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