Per the label; “This extreme Double Oatmeal Russian Imperial Stout (D.O.R.I.S.) will overwhelm, satisfy, and destroy your taste buds like no other!! Dry-hopped and first-wort hopped with the finest American hops for a great Imperial Stout experience! Enjoy the darkness!” (well, the 10.5% ABV will certainly help with that, won’t it?)
The cap was plain black, so there was no need to save it for the bar project. The bottle opened nicely and I eagerly inhaled the aromas wafting out. Nice! The description made no reference to chocolate, but the faint hint of chocolately goodness was definitely there. It poured smoothly and evenly…things were looking good!
I must say, however, that the very smooth pour did give me a little bit of pause, for I was concerned it may be an indication of low carbonation. And as it turns out; it was. However, this didn’t wind up being much of a deterrent. It drank smoothly and played nicely with my palette. And while part of me was searching for the missing carbonation, the rest of me was enjoying this beer. Sweet, smoky, quite nice overall. Not my favorite, but it definitely finds itself on the “I like it” list.
Another successful task under the belt. Now, what should I tackle next. Ya know...those bedroom doors have needed an upgrade for years...
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