Here's a pic of him. It's a steam treatment to help break up the congestion in his lungs. I told him he should stick a nice fat cigar into the end of it (this brought a nasty look from the lung technician).

We got a kick out of the "Safety Risk" sign the hospital had tacked to the wall behind him. Turns out it's to let anyone attending to him know that he cannot stand on his own. (Yeah, so don't be asking him to walk around!!)
While we were there, it came to light that he was overdue for his pain meds. Overdue by almost 2 hours! When we finally got a nurse to come in, they checked his records...only to find that the docs were waging a bit of a pissing contest with each other. One doc wants him on one type, another doc wants him on another. So they were cancelling his prescripts. All well and good, except this left Danno in the middle, without any meds to take. The nurses finally got it straightened out and gave him some morphine.
On top of all THAT, he met with the ortho doc this morning, and the news was bad. Turns out BOTH hips are broken, and they don't want him walking AT ALL. (So what was up with the whole hopping on one foot thing yesterday? Time to knock that shit off!)
I told him that place is wrong for him. The longer he stays, the more problems he's being diagnosed with. I said the only way he's going to heal is if we bust him out of there.
We've located a wheelchair, painted some flames on it, and bolted an oxygen tank to the underside. First chance we get, we're aiming him for the door, kicking the valve off the top of that tank and setting our rocket-man free...
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