And that’s exactly why I love to hear of others that are getting out there and squeezing out as many miles as they can, while the weather is holding for us. Case in point; I received an email today from TEP. Seems he and a number of his coworkers pulled a ‘skip day’ last Friday and set out upon what I’m sure was a grand day. Dan Lowe did a write up on the day, and there was even a pic included with the article. Sweet! (In looking closely at the pic, TEP and King are just to the left of center, and their bikes can be seen over to the far left.)
Here’s TEP’s outline of the day;
"Beautiful day for riding ( 70's ) after it warmed up from 39.
Hit it right when the leaves were about perfect-------the rain knocked them all off the following weekend.
Had forty bikes from work------we all took Friday off-------about a 200 mile loop.
The Senior thing is the average age was over 55."
Now that sounds like a great day! Need I say that I’m jealous? Oh well, it’s nice to live vicariously through others from time to time, right?
So without further ado, here is Dan’s pic and write up (you'll have to click on the pic to expand/read it)…

Very nice!!
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