This past Sunday (during the monster football partay!), Ed & Sue got a big kick out of him, but I didn't give it any thought...until much, much later in the evening (after most folks had left) when I received a text from Ed. That was the start of a tense exchange between us, which I shall now unfold for your entertainment... (You should click on the pics and expand them, so you can see the effort these guys went through to put different faces on the Minion. Really funny stuff!)
Ed: If you ever want to see the Minion alive again, you will bring home made Kahlua and jello shots to (street address withheld), Easton, MA.
Me: You're dead to me! How dare you mistreat my hospitality that way! LOL, I will have to organize a rescue party.
Ed: We are very serious about this situation...

Me: If those are panties over his face, he won't want to come home!
Ed: (just a pic, no text)

Me: If that duct tape pops him, I'm going to duct tape your sensitive parts!!
Ed: We like our Minion well done, how to you like yours?
Me: You start treating him better or I'll wait until 9:30am, when you're both at work, and I'll come over and kidnap him back!! Have fun watching the SuperBowl, wherever that may be, 'cause it sure ain't gonna be here!
Ed: That's ok, we will have fun watching it with Minion.
Me: Duct tape is off, he's reinflated. It's about time you started coming around. Keep going in that direction and I won't have to come over there and kidnap Harley and Marcie (their dogs).
Ed: You are in no position to be calling any shots. Meet our demands or the Minion gets it.
Me: He's a Minion. Didn't you see the movie? There's thousands of them. You overestimate your guests' worth.
Ed: Ok then, since you don't appreciated Minion, he can stay with us.
Me: He doesn't look very comfortable with you so close to him.
Ed: Minion seems to be doing fine. He's already making new friends.
Me: He's obviously displaying signs of Stockholm Syndrome.
Ed: I don't think Minion agrees with that.
Me: He's so pissed at you. All he wants is for you to go to sleep. Just 2 minutes. That's all he needs. I don't know why you're even talking to me. You should be talking to him, and your first sentence should begin with 'I'm sorry'.
Ed: Nite nite, Dave
Me: Yeah, you'd better be nice. Tell him everything'll be alright...and then tell yourselves that everything will be allright, once you return him!!
But that was the end of negotiations, as Ed & Sue apparently went to sleep. I can't blame them, those of us still partying should have gone to bed, too. But, we didn't. And we paid the price the next morning.
So where do things stand now? Well, Sue sent me another pic of him earlier this week, saying hello from him. So you can imagine that this is far from over!!
To be continued...
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