But, as with most things, as the day got closer, more and more folks dropped out. But that’s ok, it thinned the heard, leaving only the truly devout behind. And we, as truly devout alcoholi…er…beer enthusiasts, were all too happy to head on over. Our plans consisted of sampling, perhaps buying, and then heading out to another watering hole to continue the evening’s enjoyment.
Upon our arrival, we were greeting with rows and rows of empty glasses, all just waiting their turn to be filled with the most-excellent liquid which we reverently refer to as; “Beer”!

On tap today, they had the regular (year-round) offerings, as well as three new (seasonal) flavors. Sweet! New flavors! (Take note of the alcohol content of the last one…)

We sampled all of the choices (some, more than once), all while sharing fun conversation with our newest friend…uhm…I forget what his name is. But he’s one of the three brothers that own and operate the establishment. The Smoke & Dagger was what I’d bought last time, and I was fully prepared to buy it again, but that was before I tried the new ones. (We asked what the name of the 4th one (Biere de Garde) translated to; it’s Beer for Storage, we were told. Storage…yes, storage in our bellies!)
Being the lazy…er…dedicated enthusiasts that we are, we asked if they allowed folks to buy beer and hang out and drink it. Sadly, they don’t have a permit for that. Apparently, having a brewing license allows you to do small samples, but aside from that, folks cannot drink on the premises. Oh well. We each purchased a Growler of our favorite beer…turns out we’re all alcoholics, because we all went for the Bourbon Barrel-Aged Framinghammer Baltic Porter. Yes; the 10+%. We asked just how high it was, since there’s a “+” after the 10, and our new friend said it was just barely under 11%. (We almost applauded.)
Filling the Growlers!

Dammit, I’d left my Growler punch card at work. That’s ok, though; I got a new one and had that punched. It still equates to two punches!

Hey look, there’s another white-board over on that wall behind the bar…and it’s got Upcoming Brews! LOL, check out the name of the first one; Maibock Hurts Like Helles. Very wiity! Next one up will be the Leisure Time Lager…nice, nice, I like the name of that. Then we’ve got two variations on the Smoke & Dagger. I shall definitely be checking those out!!

And that about concluded our visit with Jack’s on this fine evening. We paid for our purchases, said our farewells (and assured our new friend that we’d see him again soon), and made our way off to the next bar.
It was another fun visit to Jack’s Abby Brewery. Anyone want to come along for the next visit?

1 comment:
Hmmm...never heard of this place. Will have to check it out. Fan of the Growler...although not when they break in a cooler.
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