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Monday, January 28, 2013

Cold and Tired

Saturday seemed like a good day to yank the front tire off, bring it to Cook's, and get a new tire installed.  However, as soon as I walked out into the garage, I thought "F this, I've still got enough tread on it for a while."

Why did I change my mind so quickly?  It must have had something to do with the temperature...

Yes, the bike's ignition was turned on (you can see the fuel gauge is reading as full), and yes, that was the real temperature.  Single digits.  No thanks, the tire can wait.

We're upposed to hit high 50's on Wednesday!  Too bad it's going to rain.  Oh well, it'll wash some of the salt away...until Friday, when the deep freeze settles in again.

The Sun has been vacationing down below the equator for long enough.  Granted, it's on it's way back up to visit us, but I wish it would hurry up and get here.

(Hoping we'll soon be) Riding Hard, Taking Chances

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