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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Return To Serenity

The heavy rains from earlier in the week have washed away much of the nasty snow, as well as done a commendable job with cleaning the sand and crap off of the roadways.  Add to that a nice dose of non-freezing temperatures last night, AND it was our monthly Legion Riders meeting night.  That all added up to a great reason to rush home from work, toss everything onto the counter, and fire the bike up.  Took it out for a bit of a spin before pulling into the Post's driveway and parking it...right next to George's bike.  And across the way, Phil's bike was keeping watch on the other side of the parking lot.  Very nice, I like seeing it!

We had a good meeting  and even put a plan into place to try and organize some semi-regular group rides to go visit other Posts from time to time.  Help to spread the word that Sharon, Post 106 is in the area and looking to make friends.

When it was time to head on out, the temps had dropped, understandably.  The cold riding gear made sure the temps were not a proble, though, and I was soon boppin' my way along some back roads on my way home.

One thing that is markedly different is the new front tire.  I'd worn so much of the tread off of the old one that it had lost it's "roundness".  (Not to mention that it had a slow leak, causing me to fight the steering more than I had realized.)  Take all that away and replace it with a full-inflated, fully round tire, and what do you get?  A front end that floats like a dream and responds at the slightest prodding...it will take some getting used to (on sharp corners, it feels like it wants to just drop out from under me), but I'll get the hang of it quickly.  (I'd better, or I'll be losing some of that nice blue paint I'm rather fond of, not to mention some of my own personal outer layer, which (pardon the pun), I'm quite "attached" to.  Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk...

Man, did it ever feel good to be out last night.  Winter, despite it's vigorous resurgence of late, is still on it's death bed.  It's relatives are outside in the hall, whispering about how pale Winter is looking, and wondering how much longer it can hold on.  Me?  I've already got the grave plot dug out and am whistling a happy tune, standing by with shovel in hand, ready to start tossing the dirt back in.

Ahh, sweet Spring.  How we've missed you.  You can be a temperamental bitch, sure, but your brother Summer, well...he's not far behind you, and he's the one that everyone loves best, anyway.

Here's hoping everyone is getting their bikes readied, and doing their stretches.  Riding season is about to come knockin'...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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