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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tail of the Dragon - Pictures

You've seen the writeup on the NC trip, and heard me ramble on and on about how amazing the actual stretch of 129 known as The Tail, is.  But where were the pictures of the roadway, itself?  Well, I tried to shoot some videos of ripping up that stretch of roadway, but alas; the quality was horrendous.  Too much vibration (I'd mounted the camera to my fairing - and as you saw from my last post; the brackets were broken, so the fairing was bouncing all over the place).

But all is not lost.  For you see; three different photographer companies are set up at different spots along the route and they snap pics all day long of folks as they go by.  Then, folks can go onto the photo websites, view the pics, and then buy the ones they like.  Those of you on Facebook have seen the two that I purchased and posted.  I'll post them here, too, for those of you not on FB.  But, there is an added bonus today; the company I ordered pics from sent me a bunch of freebie ones!  They're not of me, and that only makes them better!  :-D

The pics are scenic shots of the Tail, as well as some other scenic spots in the area.  So without further ado; here you go...

First; the two I posted on FB;

And here are the rest.  Amazingly beautiful down here!

So I say again; those of you who have not ridden down here...why not?  And what are you waiting for?

Ride Hard, Slay Dragons, Bask in the Beauty

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