Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Testing A Video Load

I haven't been able to load a video onto this site for some time, and I couldn't figure out why.  All the troubleshooting links I checked, said I was doing things correctly, so why wasn't it working?  I was at a loss.
On a different note, I'd been running a very old version of Internet Explorer because one of the biggest applications I use required the old, out of date version of IE.  Wonderful technology, eh?
At any rate, I just upgraded to the latest version (IE11) and now it seems like I may be able to load vids again.  I clicked the right links, I uploaded the video, and there's something displaying on the template, so I will go ahead and hit the "Post" link and see if it comes though ok.
Oh; the video I used for this test was of the clouds moving in as I was atop the Splugen Pass in Switzerland.  Pretty amazing over there!
And here - we - go... 

Ta daaa!! It worked!  Sweet!!!

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