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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blackbeard Run

We don't attend many m'cycle runs any more but occasionally we'll check one out now and then if it's a good one or if there's some kind of connection to the Chapter.  As was the case yesterday; our  Road Captain works with a guy (as I understand it) whose cousin was KIA in Afghanistan.  They put on a memorial/charity run in his honor each year and we haven't been able to make it down for one reason or other.  And we almost didn't make it this year, either, due to attending the funeral of our Secretary's father.  And while we weren't able to do the run, proper, we did still catch up with the rendezvous location where the run ended.

We got there before the run arrived which gave us a chance to scope things out.  At first, we chatted with the soldier's cousin, Tony, and he filled us in on the life and death of the fallen soldier.  From there we mosied up to where the main reception would be taking place.  This appeared to be a well run event, with lots of volunteers covering all aspects of the expected throngs.  We ambled inside to the air conditioned bar, made friendly with the bartender for a bit, and hoisted a couple of drinks.  When the approaching rumble from outside announced the coming horde, we headed outside and watched the bikes roll in.  The organizers had commented on something like 600 bikes, but by our estimates, it was much closer to (maybe) 300 at best.  The food line, however, was immense, and just didn't seem to end.  Good thing we'd been able to hop in near the beginning.  But the organizers did a fantastic job of keeping the food bins filled.  The offerings were quite good; sausages, hot dogs, burgers, cheese burgers, chips, and free water or Gatorade.  There were two bars inside, and a beer tent out in the eating area, so all in all, things were flowing smoothly.

We didn't stick around long as we had to get back to our own zip code.  I snapped a few pics on the stroll back out to our bikes for ya;

I liked the colors on this one but I think I've seen it done at other runs, too.  Or, maybe it's the same bike and the owner just really gets around a lot.

I couldn't decide if I liked this bike or not.  I liked the low, sweeping side bags, but I don't like the huge front tire (despite hearing that supposedly it makes for a smoother ride).  The other thing I didn't like, is that it must have been some kind of kit bike, or something like that.  For there was another bike in front of this one, which was exactly, and I mean EXACTLY the same, but in a different color (dark olive).  Every tiny detail was mirrored between the two bikes, with the exception of the color.  So that kind of turned me off as well.

So there you go; the Blackbeard run.  We enjoyed ourselves and will see if we can't make it next year for the full run and afterparty.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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