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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Illumination Night

Matt, Rex, Kim and I went down to Kim’s family house in Onset this past weekend, to do a pub crawl.  Saturday morning departure, Sunday mid-day return; with a healthy dose of liver abuse mixed in between.  The official crawl got off to an early start on our way down as we stopped in for a quick beerfreshment at a restaurant that Matt had wanted to check out for some time.  From there it was on to the house in Onset for more libations (bikes were parked) and then off to the crawl (on foot).  We hit a number of the bars that Onset has to offer…maybe even all of them, I’m not too familiar with the area.  The one whose name I paid attention to was Stevie B’s, all the way on the other side of town, which wasn’t worth the trek.  We had lunch at Marc Anthony’s which was very definitely worth visiting (good food, and served pitchers).  We ended the crawl at the Stonebridge bar, our on their patio.  Yeah, we kind of took  over the good side of it (we had a decent sized crowd with us), but we made some friends and enjoyed some shots on them.

The highlight of the evening was the event which Onset (and surrounding towns) put on each year; Illumination Night.  I’d never heard of it prior to this weekend but a friend from work had told me about it; the beaches surrounding the bay are lined with…flares?  Something.  Not sure what they were – they looked like flares but I didn’t see the normal residue that comes with highway flares, so maybe these were a different kind; ones that didn’t leave a lot of debris/soot/chemical pollution behind.

At any rate, I was happily involved with several conversations on the patio when someone happened to comment about the lighting had begun.  I turned to look out over the bay…and was immediately entranced.  It was amazing!  The lights weren’t all lit yet, but all around the waters edge, for as far as I could see, the mini fires were appearing.  Sometimes a couple at a time, sometimes a whole stretch would light up at once (how?...I don’t know).

I excused myself and went down to the beach to see these things up close, and to try and take some pictures.  My camera had moderate success, so here you go;

When the flares were just about done, I headed back up to the patio and rejoined the group.  Looking out over the water, I could see the various lights begin to flicker out, and soon the continuous line of lights began to display ever-grown sections of darkness.  There were a few last minute holdouts here and there but eventually the spectacle was over and darkness had returned to the shores.  We hung out on the patio for a while longer and then headed back to the house for a nightcap…I think.  Things were kind of blurry at that point.

The next day’s ride home was uneventful, save for a lengthy delay in receiving our lunch orders at a restaurant we stopped at, but aside from that it was a great day, and a great weekend.

One could say it was very…illuminating, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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