Packed up and ready to roll out!

Got my mascot (Snoop!) all set up, directions are taped to the windshield, and the tunes are velcro'd to the dash. Let's get this party started!!

Here's my bike at Spitzie's, in Albany, after gimping it there with no clutch. But no worries, she was fixed and back out on the road in no time!

We met up with Paul and Mark, had a burger and a beer (or two), then Paul took us on some sweet side roads. But he had a trick up his sleeve; here's another reason why it's good to ride with Paul - he packs cold beers!!

The night before Zig and I were heading out for Sturgis, Paul & Bettina & Zig & I went out for dinner. Snoop tagged along and when I turned my back for a second, he helped himself to my margarita. Rat Bastard!

Bettina, Paul, myself, and Zig

Guido and myself in the back, Starr, Zig, Paul and Bettina in the front. And Snoop! He's sneaking a drink of Paul's beer!!

Out on the river. This was our first stop (the sand hill in the background. This pic was an over-the-shoulder shot taken by Zig after we loaded back into the canoe and headed downstream.). Apparently we just missed seeing someone slide a canoe right down the sand hill. They didn't make it into the water, though...which means it must have been a pretty funny sight to see, slamming into the dirt at the bottom.

Starr and Guido - kicking back and doing things right.

Back at the campground. Bettina, Zig (background), and Joerg

Mark, Bettina, Paul, myself (I don't know what I was doing - maybe asking permission to ask a quesion?), Joerg and Guido

Bettina and Trace, getting the food ready for the troops!

Diek and Maria. Maria doesn't look like she's on-board with whatever plan Diek has in mind...

Here's some free advice for all the kids back home; it's not a good idea to soak the bottom of a beer case in lighter fluid, light it, and then put it onto your head. It doesn't matter if you've been drinking all day, it's still not a good idea to do this.

Hanging around the campfire after a long day of

They threw us onto the ground and poured alchohol down our throats!!!

Unfortunately, we did have some rain move in, so some shelter was needed. Guido and Becky hiding out under the overhang.

Changing my oil in Paul's Motorcyle Repair Shop.

On the road!! Windmills! Tons and tons of them! Too bad most of them weren't working. (We asked about this and it seems the original motors that were shipped out with these things were defective, and now over half of them need repair/replacing.)

I'm afraid the signal isn't proving to be as strong as I'd hoped. It's still taking several minutes for each pic to load, so I'm afraid this is going to be as far as I get tonight. Besides, I'm out of beer. Er...I's late and I'm *Yawn* tired. Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow. And more beer. Definitely more beer.
Ride Hard, Take Chances
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