A bit after 10~ish, we saddled up and rolled over to the rally point for registration and more healthy fare (cookies and danish, this time around). The aforementioned rally point was a public parking/beach location for a town pond. There was an old (but renovated) central building which housed a mini kitchen and take-out windows, bathrooms, change rooms, etc. I spotted this old relic on one corner of the building, sitting right next to some new technology. It was pretty huge!

That thing reminds me of the Blues Brother movie, when Jake and Elwood were riding around with one of these things tied to the top of their car.
The only unfortunate thing about today was that another run in the area had fallen on the same day (a run for the Moving Wall, which was a few towns over). As such, attendance was down, but I’d guesstimate there were still about 50 bikes there. And the weather was simply perfect, so all in all; things were shaping up nicely.
There was a flag-raising ceremony, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, followed by everyone mounting up and falling into line. I didn’t note the actual mileage, but I heard it was 35 miles in length – again; not bad at all for a local run.
We wound through maybe 7 or 8 different towns before ending up back at the starting point where there were hot burgers and dogs waiting, followed by a raffle. We chowed a bit, shared some laughs and then headed off in our own directions.
It was a great day for a run. We had a good time, and we got to pay respects to some folks we owe a great debt of gratitude to.
Don’t forget the guys that leave parts of themselves behind in far away lands, all while making us safer back here at home.
Ride Hard, Thank A Vet
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