Hey! This Way.....food!

The grill masters....

Ahhhhh....come to me my little dahling.......

Mmmm......kielbasa....I love you.......smoochy....smoochy.....

I swear....it's this big!!! No really.....it is!

You may ask yourself...how can I make my own wall of shame? Here's some lessons on what to do....from the professional....
First...get a good wing man...or bunny....someone to help carry - or more importantly...BUY the beer.

Buy cans. Bottles just don't stack in the bags as well. Buy as much as you think you can carry....

Fold up the cardboard case and shim to cushion the beer from rattling against the sides.....

Whatever doesn't fit in the bags.....gets strapped to the top. Hmmm....are we just talking about beer??

Now to find some ice............whoops!...... too much ice creates a beer frosty. Is a beer frosty such a bad thing??

Remember the motto....

Drinking ensues...and the artsy photography appears....maybe we should have only bought one case of beer....

The morning after.....Jack-What is that coming out of the pants?! Is that the Tail of the Dragon?? What happened last night?

And now, back to some road adventures...
The dynamic duo starting out for another cruise around town....

Wow! Now that's a big Hog! Jack....let's go for a ride!

"No wait!" Jack says...the sign says we cant'....

Aww Jack...c'mon....let's go! Don't be a ..... (fill in the blank here.....) We can pick up chicks on this big Hog!

See....here they come now!

What's that? Did you say something??

Zig, Jack and the Angels out for a ride on the big Hog!

See Jack! Not playing by the rules is more fun!
Jack finds some reading material in the men's room at lunch....trying not to stare to his right....

Now he's feeling bad about his debauchery during the day (not to mention the previous night)........especially with all the reminders......
He needs time for contemplation....

Time away from the tubing, wet, t-shirt clad girls!

He needs to bring Ziggy back into the light. Oh! What a perfect solution!!

What does it say??

(Editor's note: if we're talking about Zig here, I think the sticker should read; "Penis", instead of Jesus.)
Hallelujah! He is saved!!

And there you have it; Part 3 of Zig and Jacks excellent adventure. Thanks again to Shannon!
From the latest intelligence reports I've received, Zig is now laying low, hoping to dodge the heat he created for himself down in NC. He's deeply entrenched within the Olean Underground and should be able to avoid detection....if only he remembers to not leave his trademark trail of empty beer cans behind him...
Until next time;
Ride Hard, Take Chances
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