Each year, I like to bring my latest costume creation over to show Sam and Zak, and to also check out their costumes. They usually get quite a kick out of Uncle Dave and his silly costumes. Here are some examples of years past;
This is the earliest one I could find. I was decked out in 70's gear, Sam was a giraffe, and Zak was a frog.
The following year, I was a 7' tall Frankenstein Monster. Sam was a cat and Zak was the Hulk.
Zak wasn't too keen on the costume (which you can see from his body language in the pic) - for some odd reason he thought my face was scarier with the green makeup than it is on a regular basis. (In this pic, they're sitting on my costume's boots. They were huge clunky things that sounded awesome when I walked.)
The next year, I was a 7' tall Grim Reaper. Sam was a cowgirl and Zak was a ninja.
Zak and I squared off against each other (he's swinging his foam nunchucks at me).
I can't remember if this was the following year or not (Alzheimer's is a bitch), but suffice to say that this costume came along at some point. I thought they'd get a huge kick out of this costume, but unfortunately; The Muppets were a bit after their time and they really weren't too familiar with the character - and therefore; they thought I was kinda retarded (in this pic, they're both making fun of me) LOL.

The year after that, I was the Headless Horseman, and while pics from that year are in that year's Halloween post, I'll pull a couple up for posterity. Sam was a pirate and Zak was an alien.

Last year's pics of myself (as an outhouse) with Sam and Zak can be found in last year's post, but here's a reminder; Sam was a clown and Zak was a mini Grim Reaper.
Here’s a pic of Sam and Zak from this year; Sam was a cavewoman and Zak was a Frankenstein, with a giant head and googly eyes. (If you compare these pics to the above pics of prior Halloweens, you can see how tall they’re getting!).
We didn't get a good group shot of the three of us, and I think it's because they were a bit unsure of the reliability/stability of my shower costume. And they had good reason, as evidenced by the clip in one of the below-posts, in which I can be heard to exclaim "I'm getting wet!".
Next year should be a return to the fun, group thing. I've got a good idea of what I'm going to dress up as and it shouldn't involve any moving parts (which is a relief to everyone).
And there you have it; a wrap on the Halloween Costumes.
Ok, I believe I only have two more Halloween posts coming (one of Halloween night @ Ed & Sue's, and the other involves fire!); with any luck I can get them up here tomorrow.
Whew – almost caught up!
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