And here we were; that year had passed all too quickly it seemed! A quick call to Ed & Sue to inquire if this year would find them repeating the events of 365 days earlier, and sure enough; it was on!
I loaded up some of our my talismans (beer, wine and candy!) and made the trek over to the aforementioned cemetery where I settled in and made my preparations for the coming darkness.
Let’s see if we have things covered…
We’ll need plenty of candy to bribe any demons or witches that want to cast spells on us…

We’ll need a stellar cemetery layout, to fool any of the undead that come along looking for live folks, in hopes of eating their brains…

“Ghosts” in the windows to keep out any wandering spirits who might be looking for an un-haunted location to take up residence in…

Here and there, some eerie blinking eyes had also been set up, which just added to the overall atmosphere. Ed had the chimenea fired up and it was billowing flames to ward off the chill. One final look around to make sure everything is covered…Ok, I think we’re good to go! And it was not a moment too soon, as the creatures of the night began to appear out of the darkness. The trickle started slowly and then picked up to a steady flow of both mini-critters and their accompanying guardian ghosts (parents).
The night saw no shortage of costumed creations; there were ghouls that were fools, and monsters who were songsters. I saw vampires and umpires and even one noble squire. There was a witch that was a bitch, and a squid from Madrid (walking with the Karate Kid). Barbie and Ken were hanging with the X-men, while a Frankenstein was drinking wine with a swine from Rhine. Hell, there was even a zombie from Bombie looking hip in Abercrombie.
I’d seen enough; it was time for another beer…
On my trek to find said beer, I found myself in the old abandoned barn where Ed stores his prized Harley. He had a blue light on it, just like last year, and since I just love how this thing looks, I had to snap a pic again;

The rest of the evening was much of the same. We checked out the monstrosities as they presented themselves to our altar of candy, and each time, our offerings were adequate to send them merrily along their way, without any thoughts of casting curses in our direction. Overall, the night was a compete success.
This year was fantastic as always, and we hope that Ed and Sue will be gracious enough to host again next year. For if they do, I’ve got something else planned for the night’s display. Something that involves pumpkins and pyrotechnics. How can we go wrong?
Happy Halloween!!

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