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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Year Is Almost Over

Obviously the year is not almost over, but I can't believe it's been a week already since I posted last.  You guys must be getting tired of me not posting very frequently.

Not much has been going on.  The snowstorm I mentioned in my last post turned out to be a doozy.  Thankfully, I took the day off and was able to take my time with the shoveling.  I got about a foot, all told, and it took 4 shoveling sessions to get things done and done.

Then, promptly three days later, we had some tremendous rain which washed just about all of the snow away.  That sounds great and all, but the same day that it poured, the temps then dropped into the single digits that night, so the towns dropped a ton of salt back down again.  It's not too big a deal, though.  I haven't had much free time anyway, so the fact that we've had black ice spots on the road, salt all over the place, and temps in the below-zero range, hasn't really impacted me much.

Well, except for the frozen pipe I did have over the weekend.  Thankfully, nothing burst and a little time with a hairdryer and I was good to go again.

The next thing on the docket for the bike is to yank out the radio - which hasn't been working since last summer.  I'll send that off to the place that repairs the Harmon Karden radios and I should be good to go soon.  Oh yeah - I also picked up replacement speaker brackets for inside the fairing, which will reduce the wear and tear on the radio, so it'll hopefully last a long time, this time around.

So I guess that's it for this week.  Big Patriots game on Saturday night, so GO PATS!!!

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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