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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cinco de Roasto Es Finito

The final pig roast has come and gone.  The turnout was awesome, the weather held out, and everyone that showed up had a fun time.  What more could be asked for?

It hasn't sunk in yet that this is the last pig roast but I'm sure next year as May gets closer, I'll be missing it.  But I'll worry about that then.  For now, I still have cleanup to do and a slowly-recovering brain to worry about.

My intent each year is to be the last person up so that I can make sure everyone is either safely in bed, or has been handed some water and talked with to make sure they're odds of making it home safely are decent.  I was less than successful with that plan this year.  I don't know why but I hit the luge early, often, and heavily.  Sure it was fun, but it means there's huge gaps in the evening that I have no recollection of, conversations I'm sure I had that I don't recall, and people that came by that I don't even remember seeing.  So those parts aren't fun, but oh well.  It happens.

Whoever it was that stayed up later than I did, did a marvelous job of cleaning up.  Usually there are all kinds of things that need cleaning up, but this year, just about all the dirty work out in the yard was all done.  Nice!  Wish I knew who to thank for that...

Sunday was not a day for resting as we (Riders) were putting on a bike blessing, so it was up early, off to breakfast with the Olean crew who hadn't left yet, and then off to the church.  The turnout was decent for our first time, the ride was relaxing and withouth issue, and the cookout back at the Post was very well received.  We're already looking ahead to doing it again next year.
Deep breath and a long sigh...

Cinco de Roasto has come to an end.  So now what?  A lot of folks have made comments along the lines of not being willing to let the Cinco thing end.  Questions like "What are you going to do next year when we all just show up?" were fairly common.  I didn't give any kind of concrete answer but hell...if people want to show up at my house and party, it would be pretty rude of me to refuse them, right?

After all...what I've been saying all along is that this was going to be the last pig roast.

I never officially closed the door on having another party...

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