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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Shayne's Run Pre Run

Summer is flying by and there’s not much we can do about it other than try and cram in as much riding and enjoyment as possible.  This time; the annual pre run of the route we use for the Shayne’s Run.  We like to do a recon on it about a month ahead of time to make sure there’s no major construction going on which we’d need to account for, or detour around.  The good news is this year is the first time I can recall that had zero construction or major issue to deal with.  And, we had 12 bikes and about 15 bodies; not a bad turnout at all.

First stop; the cemetery in Canton where Shayne lies.  We aren’t able to stop here during the run itself, for obvious logistical reasons, but we do like to stop here with the smaller group as part of the pre run.

Canton has done a great job here in creating a memorial to the different wars and conflicts which have occurred over the years  (I don't know why some of these pics are loading sideways...)


Here, visiting Shayne.

Behind Shayne; a memorial to someone lost on 9/11.


From the cemetery, the next stop is for food and drink!  Victory Lane in Millis!

Why are those other bikes parked out in the sunshine?  Don’t they want a nice cool seat when they come back out?  J

The only hiccup on the day was Rex’s bike died suddenly after we'd gotten back out on the road after lunch...
Fortunately for him, Ziggy was thinking, and cracked his gas cap.  Turned out to be a simple case of vapor lock and we were soon on our way again.

Back at the Post we settled in for a little more beerfreshment and agreed that the route looks good.  Now if only it'll stay that way for one more month...

Thank you again for your sacrifice, Shayne.  We continue to work to honor your memory.

Ride Hard, Thank a Vet.

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