Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A little clarity to the picture, if you don't mind?

It appears that I was rather mixed up in my assessment of the story behind yesterday's post - but I deserve some forgiveness; it's hard to get all the facts correct from one text message (notice that that didn't stop me from giving it a shot, though).

However, for the real story of the Kentucky Road Trip, feel free to drop over to Paul's blog, as he has graced us with not one, but TWO new posts! (I knew he had it in him.) http://www.bostonsmotoblog.blogspot.com/

Have a great Tuesday. Oh yeah; and...

Ride Hard, Take Chances

1 comment:

Boston said...

Wow! what did I ever do to deserve all this free advertising. I think you are just trying to pressure me into writting more. I think I can muster up a few more. Also there is nothing wrong with using your imagination to paint a picture like you did... I can't tell you what kind of pictures I am painting in my head...