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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Rain and Rolling Tires

We're currently enjoying some heavy rainstorms today - which is a welcome event, given that we were supposed to have decent rain on Wednesday but only wound up with light misting. But the stuff we're getting today is pounding the roof above me, melting the snowbanks outside, and washing the salt away. We're even getting the occasional lightning and thunder which is a nice touch.

We're supposed to get another weather pattern on Sunday - running into Monday morning and they're saying it could be a snow/sleet mix. So you know what that means; tomorrow will have to involve some riding!!!

Clear, mostly sunny, 45 degrees tomorrow. Oh yeah, you know I'll be rolling up some miles! Wake up, pack the bike and hit the gym. Throw some iron around, shower up and then hit the road. Who knows where I'll head - I'll do some checking on-line tomorrow morning and see if I can get a feel for where the better roads are...probably head south into RI and CT, but we'll see.

Gotta be home by 4 o'clock to catch the first playoff game. Shower up and eat something, knock a few frosties back - can't get too settled in, though. Mike (Sir Box o' Joe) is hosting a Patriots football party at his casa and that kicks off at 6. Say it with me; football, friends and frosties!

Wherever you're at, if you're enjoying any of this rain today, here's hoping that you'll have a chance to get the bike out and nudge that odometer further along it's path. Either way, have a great weekend.


Ride Hard, Take Chances

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