NY has arrived, as has our mystery guest Paul. Add to that mix a healthy smidge of Greg, Patty, Dave, Rob, Bill, Tara and a myriad of other lesser known associates, and you have a evening full of fun and frivolity! We hit Clyde's for eats and treats (and by 'treats', I'm referring to the 12-oz kind), and some good old fashioned laughter. Actually; lots of laughter.
The night was whiled away in this fashion for many an hour until someone happened to glance at some sort of time retention device and realized...well...realized that it was getting late. Add that to the fact that tomorrow is a very long day, and what do you end up with? (Let's see...beer + beer + beer + beer (you get the idea) + not so much sleep, and what do you have? Uhm...I'm not sure, but it has something to do with being tired). Anhywho, the decision was made to pay our debts to the bar, and mosey on home.
But for this nite, 'Home' includes our good friend Paul. Although, I must say "good friend" with some trepidation. For you see, when Paul shows up, well...ok, I can't blame everything on him. But lets let the film do the talking, shall we? You'll see the sheer level of alcohol debauchery that he invokes...
Hmmm...ok, I guess the computer is tired, because I've tried to load the pics a few times now, but the pics just won't go through. Anywho, suffice to say that dastardaly Paul has forced me to have an additional two beers since I started writing this post. He's evil, I tell ya!
WHOA! The pics just loaded! Ok, so here you go...
I had taken a pic before this one, of just the SOCO and the wine bottle, but I'm not going to try and find/load that one now. Because it took almost an hour to load the pics that are here now. At any rate, here's the first pic I have to offer; a bottle of SOCO, as well as a bottle of wine. Both are courtesy of Paul. Oh, did I mention the SOCO is the 100 proof version? Yeah; there'll be no taking-it-easy on our livers this weekend.
The skull bottle that's on the right is a bottle of skull vodka that, since our buddy was with us, we might as well break out and do some shots of. Hey, it's harmless, right?

The next thing we knew, Hey! We have a bottle of tdequila rose! We should break THAT out and give it a taste. Paul, have you tried this stuff before? No? Sweet, let's do it!!

Now this all sounds like a light heartede, fun time. And it would have been...had it not been for the bud lights thrown into the mix along the way. No, seriously; there were bud lights flying all over the place. Here is a quick shot I managed to take that shows the sheer carnage I'm referring to!

And there you have it. I'm going to post this now, and the time stamp will probably say something silly like it was posted at midnight or something. But that's because it doesn't understand how things work when Paul is in town. Because when I say that it's much later than midnight, I mean it's much later! It's 2am! For real! It is two-ay-em in the morning! And we have to get up and prepare for a very long day tomorrow! So with that, I will say adieu.
By the way, Paul, who is sitting right here and had been feeding me beers as I hammer madly at this keyboard, has no idea what I've said about him.
Ha ha ha, I love Cinco de Pig Roasto weekend!!!!!
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