Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm currently in the middle of the same band of cold air the rest of the northern half of the country is enjoying. The temps have been slowly creeping lower the past few days, but the full brunt of the air mass arrived overnight, and walking out the door this morning was rather un-frikkin-pleasant. The chill couldn't have gone through me faster if I'd taken a cold shower and then walked right out my back door (still bare assed), laid down and made a snow angel. Holy Mother of All That is Warm - please take pity on those of us who are now under the spell of the Frost Miser.

And where the hell is this thing they call Global Warming?? The weather folks tell us that this blast of frigid air is coming from the Artic Circle. So please tell me how the HELL we're supposed to believe that ice is melting up there? My house is something like TWO THOUSAND miles away from the Arctic Circle, and there's not a chance in hell that any of that ice on my driveway is melting today. So how are we to believe that anything is melting all the way up there?

(For those with a serious bent; yes, I understand the complexities of global warming. My intent here is for humor, so please bear with me. Your understanding is appreciated.)

Chatting with King and TEP from Olean, they've got a ton of snow on the ground, with another foot coming today, and wind-chills in the negatives. Michigan Paul says they're enjoying AMBIENT temps in the minus range...we won't even discuss their wind-chills.

I'd meant to bring my camera in this morning to take a pic of cars driving around on the roads. They look like they've been painted white, and there's so much salt down that cars are actually stirring up little white clouds when they drive around. I forgot the camera, but then realized I probably don't need to take a pic of that stuff. If you want to see it, you probably only need to look out your own windows.

So in closing, I would like to again say WTF is up with the weather? We don't usually get this kind of cold air until early February. Someone owes us! I'll be expecting things to warm up nice and early this year. You hear that, Heat Miser??? Get off your ass and start walking north.

I'll have the beers ready and waiting.