Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Run Addendum

I found a pic on Facebook from the run this past Sunday.  This was actually on the way to the run, before the rain had started up, and you can see that my plan for the Haunted Hitchhiker was working wonderfully.  His lower half was gliding along above the pavement, no worries.  (You can see the arm hanging out of my saddlebag, too.)

Alas, a short time later, the rains came, and we now know how things turned out...

All Hallow's Eve

I've been watching the weather - like we all have, lately. But aside from wishing Sandy would just get the hell out of town, I've been specifically watching how things were shaping up for today, The All Hallow's Eve of 2012.

Why today? Is it for Trick-or-Treating? Candy and other treats? Scares for late-night revelers? Nah, none of that stuff. Today is mynnual wear-the-skull-mask-to-work day. It's too dark for anyone to see it in the morning (and it was still kinda windy and rainy, so I opted to just pack the mask for the ride in).

However, the skies are breaking up as I type this, the forecasts are saying we may even see a touch of sunlight before the day is over, and that all means it'll be a good ride home with the mask on.

There will be the occasional odd looks, but most folks will get it.  Some kids will point and wave, some adults will smile, and there will be other drivers that beep and give me the thumbs up.  It's fun!

Ride Hard, Take Chances... Never Grow Up.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 Halloween Run

This year's Halloween run seemed doomed from the start. It was rain-postponed twice, bringing it right down to the wire in terms of holding it prior to Halloween. This left them no room to reschedule, and they were stuck with whatever the weather gods decided to throw at them.  I was afraid to cross my fingers, as those very same gods hadn't been kind at all so far...

Nonetheless, the weather forecasts had been saying it would actually be a decent day.  Sure enough, though; about three days beforehand, the forecasts begin getting sketchy, and they only went downhill from there.

The morning dawned grey and cold...and rainy.  Checking the outlook, it seemed we might have a chance for the rain to pass by for the afternoon, but that is not how things fell out.

Here's the Haunted Hitchhiker, as seen in an earlier post.  All nice and dry, and ready to rock and roll.

I'd picked up a couple of mini skeletons and plopped them over my spotlights and zip-tied them into place.  (Yes, I made sure to turn off the spot lights.  Although, it would have been pretty cool to see a couple of fire-enshrouded skulls coming down the road at you...)

Alas, the poor weather kept the crowds down to about one-third of the usual turnout.

Turnout was so poor, that the organizers were just handing out the t-shirts for free (they usually set you back $20 for them).  They had boxes and boxes of them, and there was no way they'd sell many so they figured to cut their losses and at least hand them out.

The one upside to the low turnout, is it seemed it was all the hammerheads that had stayed home.  The route actually went off without a hitch, blocking was good, there were no u-turns and missed streets, etc.  However, there was a fair amount of rain.  And since I was wearing my usual skull mask (which fogs up big time if I wear any kind of shades or even clear lenses), I couldn't see a thing because the rain was whacking me right in the eyeballs.

As the run was beginning it's return to the rally point, we came upon an on-ramp for I-93, which I promptly took, opting to hammer down to I-95 and then hit home.  There, I planned a change of clothes and then head back to the after-party.  However, no sooner were the dry clothes on, than Matty and Tara came pulling in.  Matty was going to drop Tara off so she could grab her car, rather than having to do that after the apri-party.  We all got to talking, and since the rain wasn't really letting up much, and there was a Pats game on (and since the beers in my fridge were already paid for), we decided to scrap returning to the run, and stay warm and dry inside, instead.  The game was a complete success, as the Pats went on to rout the Rams, and we toasted their achievements early and often.  We even had a few other folks stop by and catch the game with us - all in all, not a bad way to salvage the day.

So there you have it.  Here's a couple of pics to show how my passengers faired.  First; the two mini's.  They look like they have a "WTF was that??" look on their faces.  I don't think they were fans at all.

And then; the Hitchhiker.  What a sorry state he was in.  He was all rain-soaked and his trailing body had become covered in dirt, leaves, mud and road grime.  He is going to need some serious cleaning/revamping before next year's run.  (The revamping will entail being moved to a higher spot on the bike as the hovering-above-the-road experiment was deemed a failure.  The soaking rain saw to that.)

Oh yeah - I'd also had one of those fake arms hanging out of my right saddlebag.  I'd bungie-corded it inside to keep from falling out, but apparently that didn't work, as I noticed yesterday that it was gone.  Suffice to say it was less than stellar display performance on my part, all around.  But there's always next year, right?

Ride Hard, Take Chances The Weather Will Cooperate.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Preparations

Checking out iParty for more stuff to put on the bike for tomorrow's run. This one lights up. Pretty cool...except for the $20+ price. Moving along...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Train Of Consequences

Trains, like most modes of business-focused transportation, rely on schedules and promptness to survive. They depart at set times, make scheduled stops, and arrive at their destinations within pre-determined windows.

Most of those who are impacted by these transportation models adjust their schedules in certain ways to align their schedules as needed. If you need to take a certain bus, or train, or trolley, then you plan accordingly to be at the right spot at the right time.

There are those of us who also adjust our schedules, but for the opposite reason; we do not want to meet up with the aforementioned devices, we want to avoid them. We want to avoid having to put our routines on hold while we wait for the offending mechanism to move along.

And so it was this morning. I was running a bit late, which meant that the ordinary route I would take, which crosses over a set of train tracks, would be ill-advised on this day. Those tracks were employed by a certain freight train which always arrived at that specific intersection between 7:05 and 7:11 each morning. The resulting traffic backup which accompanied said crossing, would set me back even further.

Ahh, but there are side roads which one can take. Side roads which are prior to the aforementioned intersection, and which circumvent said intersection. And while they, too, are bisected by the very same set of train tracks, they are far enough away that, given the correctly calculated arrival time, no locotmotive interference would be encountered.

Glancing at my clock, I was confident that taking the side roads was the way to go. That, in doing so, I would glide easily across the tracks in the wake of this morning's freight transportation as it ambled on ahead, causing delays and aggravation for those that did not follow me onto the alternate route.

Signaling my intentions, I cut hard to the right and down the first of the side streets which would be my salvation this morning. Checking my side mirror, I saw that not a single other commuter followed my lead. Ha, Fools! You will rue your decision shortly!

I continued on my chosen path with glee and abandon. Some lefts, some rights, and I would soon be safely across the parallel iron snakes which lay in wait.

Alas, as I rounded a corner and came in sight of the crossing, I found that rules, schedules and timeliness had been discarded this morning, for there was the wall of steel cylinders and rectangles lumbering ever so slowly across my path. It was running far, far late today!

Easing down through the gears, I came to a stop - regretfully, and humbly. My meticulous plan had been thwarted.  Where is Order?  Where is Reason?

Chaos, you win this round.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh Deer

The mornings are darker nowadays, and the thermometer's mercury has begun its inexorable trend downward.  The afternoons are still quite comfortable, even as the sun reaches the horizon faster each day.

The Fall brings a palette of oranges and browns, but the beauty is not without danger.  Leaves and pine needles aren't just a nuisance to lawn owners, they also lie in wait on roadway edges and sharp corners.  That all adds to the fun, though!

However, when you round a corner in the early morning darkness and your headlight outlines a multi-point buck standing on the side of the road, your admiration for road challenges is tempered a bit.  Thankfully on this morning, my observer chose bolting back into the woods over opting for an in-person greeting.  As I rounded the roadway where he'd been standing scant seconds ago, the enveloping darkness of the woods enfolded his fading form like a blanket, warming and welcoming a weary traveler.

We each continued on, our day ahead not ruined by a chance morning encounter.

Ride Hard, Get Lucky Sometimes

Monday, October 15, 2012

Delayed and Defeated

The Halloween run was once-again postponed due to bad weather.  The date is now set for October 28th, and it'll be all or nothing; there are no more rain dates or second (third) chances.  Here's hoping the weather gods see fit to help us out this time around.

So with the run scrapped, there was nothing much to do but watch the Pats suffer yet another epic meltdown, blowing a 13 point lead with less than 8 minutes remaining in the game.  So f'ing aggravating.

Nice and warm for the ride in this morning, but they're saying heavy showers later today.  Oh well, I've got a warm shower and dry clothes waiting for me if need be.

Here's hoping everyone had a great weekend, and were able to get some riding in.

Happy Monday

Friday, October 12, 2012

Haunted Hitchhiker II

Back in ’10, I rigged up the Haunted Hitchhiker (and almost had an encounter with a LEO).


I figured I’d resurrect him for this year’s run (on Sunday!). But the question was; where to mount him? And then it hit me; I’ve got the flag receiver, so I should be able to rig something up using that. Let’s see how he’d look back there…

Not too bad, but we can’t have him dragging along on the ground, can we?  That’s just plain rude.  The poor guy is looking to hitch a ride, not be dragged through the streets.  Ok, so back to the flag receiver.  It’s got two pole receivers on it, so a quick trip to Home Depot for some square dowels, and it was time to construct a very simple brace…

Then affix the brace to Mr. Passenger's back…

And voila!  That guy isn’t going anywhere.  (Yes, the bottom of his outfit may drag a bit, but it’s made of cheesecloth and is super light.  So light, that when moving, I expect it will blow up and just float in the air.

Although, now that I think about it, I wonder if it’ll blow up and obstruct view of him. Oh well, I guess I’ll find out on Sunday.

The run itself promises to be just as screwed up as it always is. The route always gets messed up, with folks taking wrong turns, doing U-turns, going the wrong way…and to exacerbate things this year, the route has been changed several times in the past week (it’s posted on-line so folks can see it, but it keeps getting changed). Bring on the fun! Can’t wait to…

Ride Hard, Take Chances!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Puppy Rescue Mission

The Waltham and Sharon American Legion Riders put their heads together and, with a short planning window (and despite a cold and damp weather forecast), managed to raise one thousand dollars for “The Puppy Rescue Mission” this past Saturday. We had a good feed, we had some fun raffle prizes, and we had a great route. The turnout wasn’t overwhelming, but was still decent, given the short time we had to put things together, combined with the fact there were other local runs going on as well. The one benefit to a moderately-sized group? You can move things along faster! And George and I took that to heart, setting a respectable pace. Blocking went off without a hitch, we had some LEO support for the larger intersections, and we all arrived back to the Post, safe and hungry.

The food was ready, the sun was shining by this point, and the camaraderie was in full swing. These Waltham guys are pretty cool – and a number of them even go to the Rendezvous. They camp out in their own area, but there was talk of riding out together next year, and that won’t suck.

All in all, it was another good day, and for a really great cause.

The Puppy Rescue Mission’s purpose, per their own website;

The primary mission of The Puppy Rescue Mission, Inc. (TPRM), as stated in our by-laws, is to fund-raise and assist in pet rescue, foster and re-homing when needed, in particular pets of soldiers, especially those deployed in war zones. We assist with requests, logistics, administration and fund-raising for the adopted stray dogs of war rescued by and bonded with soldiers. This may include vet care, supplies, transport and related issues. We work with or through other organizations that help our soldiers bring their companion animals home from war.

Our primary mission is to help bring home the companions to our soldiers serving in a war zone. These companions already have homes waiting for them -- they just need help getting there. TPRM believes that these beloved companions have at times not only physically saved our soldiers from harm but have also filled an emotional need for a sense of home and normalcy in a hostile and dangerous environment.

These companions make our soldiers' lives better. Their unconditional love is critical to the morale of our troops. And as demonstrated by the attack on the suicide bomber, these dogs protect our soldiers from harm. In return, our soldiers want to save their companions from this dangerous world when they are transferred home. TPRM responds to our soldiers' requests for help by raising funds and helping find the means to transport their friends.

TPRM believes this rescue mission has a place among all the organizations working both globally and domestically to save animals from cruelty and death. We believe that in supporting our soldiers' urgent requests to help save their companions, we are not only supporting our fighting men and women but also helping to save the helpless from a cruel world. In the words of our founder, "No soldier should ever be faced with the decision of leaving their beloved animal behind....".

They’re a great charity, doing great things, and we were very happy to be able to help them out!

Check out their website;

Ride Hard, Help A Battle Buddy!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Strange Observation

In total darkness, and with my ignition on "Accessories", my dash almost looks like a happy Anime' face...

Treading Water

Gotta do route reconnaissance tonight for Saturday's charity run. Whaddya think? I've got plenty of miles left on this tire! (And btw; it's raining.)