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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quick Rant

Sorry folks, been slammed at work. The next few days should be slightly less hectic so I’ll try to get a couple of posts up. For now, here’s a quick rant that occurred to me on my way in this morning. I’ll even paint another picture for you…

Driving along behind some d-bag (I’ll make our d-bag "gender-neutral" for today, as I’ve found this scenario carried out by both women and men). Our d-bag is driving much slower than they should be, allowing a great empty space to develop between themselves and the vehicle in front of them. And what happens with empty spaces? Why, they get filled up by other vehicles that are entering off of side roads. Which adds to the congestion in front of me, which slows things down, which extends my commute time. See where I’m going here?

Back to the d-bag; they continue to drive slowly…a car pulls out in front of them and the d-bag slams their brakes on. We start moving again, and the d-bag again goes too slowly, another large space develops, another car enters the stream from a side road, d-bag hits their brakes, drives slower, another space develops, another vehicle comes in, etc., etc., etc.

By this time, I’ve basically pushed through the windshield; my head is stretched out over the hood, my voice screaming promises of vengeance against d-bag’s entire family, neck veins stretching the very limits of human skin tensile strength…in other words, I’m taking things pretty calmly.

Just when it seems this d-bag has no idea where their accelerator pedal is, we approach a traffic light. The light is green…for the moment. We’re still a fair distance away, but I know what’s about to happen; the light goes yellow and the d-bag floors it. Lurching forward like it’s been shot out of a catapult, their car rockets through the intersection, dragging any vestiges of yellow light along with it. What’s left? Me; sitting at a red light and now extending my curses upon d-bag’s descendents as well.

Such is life on the commuting trail…can’t wait for riding weather to get here so I can get the bike back into action. Then I can show ‘em. I’ll show ‘em all!

(Evil laugh emanates forth…)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yes, it’s that time again – time for another one of my rants!!

Let me paint a picture for you. It’s a picture that presents itself to me time and time again. While the picture may not always be exactly the same, the scenario, is.

For this demonstration, let’s go with; being stuck at a traffic light. The light turns green. I'm in the third car back. The first car moves all the way to the left side of the lane, and has even gone so far as to pull out to the center of the intersection. That leaves car number two just standing there with the driver’s thumb up their ass. There is plenty of room to go around, but they’re sitting there, barely inching forward, head swiveling back and forth, looking to gauge their clearance between the curb and the bumper - both of which are MILES away from the sides of their car. An inch forward, slam on the brakes and then head-swivel to check their clearances. I assure you; your clearances are just as vast as they were a second ago. Another inch forward and the brakes are fully engaged yet again. More head swiveling, leaning, straining to look out both windows. Another inch – no! Only a half inch this time before the brakes are immediately clenched to their maximum capacity.

And there I am behind you; envisioning the marching bands that I could parade down both sides of your stupid f’ing vehicle, you’ve got so much room.

You’ve got so much room; the city is planning on painting some new road lines and making multi-vehicle travel lanes on both sides of your stupid f’ing car.

You’ve got so much room; real estate developers are arguing over who can build the biggest houses on both sides of your stupid f’ing car.

You’ve got so much room; airplanes are using the free-space as landing strips on both sides of your stupid f’ing car.

Folks, can we please learn the dimensions of our own vehicles? Please? If you don’t know how to drive your own vehicle, then please do the rest of us a favor and stay off of the g** damned roadways!

Thank you, I feel better.

For the moment...