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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Russell Remembrance

Why do these anniversaries seem to come so quickly?  Why do the years seem to pass so fast?  How can it be 11 years already since we’ve seen your smile?  11 years since we’ve enjoyed your tales, spoken in a manner that would captivate a room, or an entire clearing?  11 years since we’ve heard your laughter – so infectious that no matter who was around, they would find themselves caught up laughing as well!?!

In light of that, this year’s remembrance will focus on Russ’ laughter…
I forget what year it was, or even what time of the year it was at.  It wasn’t Labor Day because I was the only one up there.  Russ and Gretchen were still together and doing well, so I guess it must have been a fair amount of years ago.  There was some kind of barn party going on at one of Russ’ friend’s places and we were headed there for the evening.
Something else to keep in mind; at the time, Russ was still on his kick to try and replicate Tommy’s (from Olean) amazing steak sub sandwiches.  He’d….perfected (??) his attempt and had locked down his own personal recipe and while it wasn’t very close to what Tommy was serving, it was a damn respectable sandwich on its own.  Cabbage, special red hot dogs, thin sliced meat (not SPAM), special hot sauce, etc., etc., etc.  Those of you who’ve had them before, you know what I’m talking about.
Anyway, back to the remembrance.  We’d gone food shopping during the day and collected all the various odds and ends needed for the sammiches and had spent most of the afternoon cooking them up just right.  We ate a few of the first batch while preparing the second and third batches.  Hell, it was going to be a long night, we needed to get a good base established!
Eventually, all the ingredients had been doled out, all the sammiches had been broiled, some had been eaten, some had been put away into the fridge, but 6 of them…yes, the finest 6, dare I say…those were individually wrapped in foil and placed with care into a cooler, along with some ice, to be brought with us.  Sure our bellies were full at the moment, but there were MANY hours still ahead of us, and we needed to make sure we could counter our future hunger pangs with solid sustenance!
We stocked a separate cooler with our beers for the evening and off we went.
Arriving at the party, we were welcomed in as if weary travelers returning from a long trip away.  But this was normal whenever I was with Russ; no matter where we went, if they were friends of Russ, they always welcomed him and whoever he was with, as if they were brothers.
The crowd was sizeable, there was a band playing, we made lots of rounds saying hello to people.  The beverages were flowing well, and as is often the case when excursioning with Russ, the mantra of “Maine; The Way Life Should Be” was running through my head.
After a bit, we found ourselves a place to pull up some floor and relax for a bit.  I was destroying the beers, Russ and Gretchen got their smoke on (if you know what I mean), and we were all kicking back and laughing ourselves silly.  After a bit of that, Russ was hit with a full-on bout of the munchies and decided he needed one of the sammiches.  He reached in, grabbed one and pulled it out…and there was some water dripping from the end of it.  What the…damn, the ice had melted (duh) and the ends of the sammiches – wrapped in foil – weren’t exactly water proof, so the sub rolls had soaked up some of the melted water.  I was quite certain that this would render the lower half of the sammiches as inedible, but Russ, not to be deterred in his smokey state of mind, unwrapped the foil and gave the soggy end a mighty bite.
I peered at him with serious anticipation – how was it?  Was the wet part; disgusting?  I was getting pretty hungry at this point and was loathe to think that half of our food supply had been ruined!  But Russ assured me that oddly enough – the sammich tasted amazing!  But there’s no way that wetting a sub roll would make it taste any better?  He couldn’t explain it, but for whatever reason, he exclaimed the sammich to be more delicious than ever!  And then he accentuated his argument by taking an even larger bite, and savoring it with moans of delight and what appeared to be a near swoon.  I was sold!
I grabbed one of my sammiches, tore the foil off of the soaked end, took a humongous bite and chewed with reckless abandon, eagerly awaiting the moment when the new, enhanced flavors would coat my tongue and send ripples of satisfaction to my brain.
But…something was wrong…this didn’t taste good…  This…this tasted…TERRIBLE!
I froze in mid-chew and looked at Russ with what must have been a pathetic look of confusion and revolt.  My brain, in its beer-muddled state, was unable to figure out what was going on.  How could Russ’ sammich taste so amazing while mine tasted so god-awful??  I looked at Russ and managed to garble around the stuff in my mouth; “…but…this thing tastes like SHIT!?!?”
But then it all became clear to me because I could see Russ' face register the disgust and confusion on my face as I stared at him with this half-chewed mouth full of sammich, and he immediately burst into full-throated laughter.
Now when I say full-throated laughter, only those of you who have seen Russ when he’s been hit by one of these fits will understand what I’m saying.  When I tell you that he was beside himself with laughter, he was almost unable to breathe from laughing so hard.
When he was able to summon half a lung of air, he paused to look at me and say, “Of COURSE it tastes like shit, it’s soaked with COOLER WATER!” before succumbing to another fit of amazingly contagious, hearty laughter.
I could not spit that stuff out of my mouth fast enough, and seeing me trying to paw that crap off of my tongue only sent Russ into deeper fits of laughter.  There we were; me trying to hack this soggy sludge out onto the ground, Russ literally almost pissing himself from laughter, and Gretchen just caught up in the whole spectacle and laughing herself silly, too.  Folks around us were looking over and trying to figure out what the hell was going on.  For all appearances, it probably looked like I was choking, and Russ and Gretchen were laughing themselves to death at the sight of me struggling.
The whole thing had been a joke at my expense.  Of course the soggy part of the sammich tasted like shit!  But rather than let on, he’d built it up and suckered me into falling for it.  And man, did I bite!! (Pun intended.)
It took us quite a while before we all finally gathered ourselves and got the laughter fits under control.  Suffice to say that we cut the soggy ends off of the rest of the sammiches, but for years after that, whenever one of us was hungry, we would joke about the soggy sammiches, and it would send us into brief sessions of laughter at the memory.
God I miss that laugh…
Victrola Brother!!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

All In The Famiily

This past Saturday, I was invited to be part of a group-themed costume party.  Aaron and Chrissy were going to check out the band Tigerlilly (the same band that we befriended at the 'Vous a number of years ago), at a bar out in Milford.  The place was throwing a Halloween contest, and hell yeah; I wanted in!

Making things even easier; they had Lurch (Aaron), Morticia (Chrissy), Cousin It (a prop that Aaron made) and Wednesday (Therese).  All they needed was a Gomez or an Uncle Fester.  It was an easy choice for me; Uncle Fester!

The outfit would be simple; a bald cap and a cloak from the party store, and some black makeup around the eyes.  But there was something else that was associated with UF; a lightbulb!  And not any lightbulb, but one that lit up when he put it into his mouth.  Hmmm....I bet I could rig something up...

It took me a while (Radio Shack, permanently closed?  How did I not know about this!?!?) but I finally found a place up in Needham that sold LED diodes.  I also picked up a couple of coin batteries to make a pack out of, and headed home.

First off I needed a couple of lightbulbs to work with.  The first one, I broke the glass and then carefully removed all remnants, leaving me with just a usable base...

Next, I needed a usable bulb, so I Dremmeled the end off, then proceeded to slice the threads and peel the rest of the base off...

Next, I carefully cut around the base of the bulb so that I'd have access to the inside...

Last, was to carefully clean the paste off.  Man, this stuff didn't smell poisonous at all!!

Once that was all set, I messed with several methodes of creating the battery pack.  First I tried zip ties but they made the thing too big to sit inside the base so I had to cut them off.  Then I tried tape, which worked for about 2 minutes, but the finagling with the wires as I was trying to connect the diode, worked the connections loose and made the light flicker.  Last, I tried wrapping with a coil of wire (over the tape, and pressing down on the connecting wires) and twisted the wire super tight with pliers, to really compress things and hold the wires tightly against the batteries.  (Ideally, I would have used Aaron's soldering gun but I was running real short on time.)  Then I twisted the wires to the diode leads and things looked like they were gonna work for me.

Next; insert the battery pack into the base and fit the bulb down over everything.

I had a glue gun ready to go but was so short on time that I had to resort to using duct tape to hold the thing together, but it worked!!

 It was pretty cool, and it lasted the whole night so it worked as needed.

I really liked making this and there are lots of room for improvement.  I would definitely solder the wires together, rather than twisting everything.  Also, I'd use a third wire and run a circuit that I could connect/disconnect, to make the light turn on and off.  And lastly; I'd hot glue everything together to make it nice and solid (the tape worked loose part way through the night and had to keep being pressed together).

But that's for down the road.  As for a dry run (and on the spot, no less), it was a great success.

Oh yeah; our group won first prize at the contest!  It was a gift card for the bar, which came in very handy toward paying down our tab.  O:-)

And here we are in all our glory.  What a glamorous family we are!

I love this time of year!!