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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Russell's Road

I keep a running list of odds and ends that I'd like to blog about at some point and, having a few minutes this afternoon (and wanting to blog something quickly to wrap up the week), I thought I'd give that list a glance. I happened upon one item which I should have mentioned long ago, but what the hell, the person that this is about will still get a kick out of it (do they have internet access in the afterlife?).

Our dear departed brother; Russell Arey. He's the one 'responsible' for us Massholes and those "damn New Yorkers" meeting each other and becoming such great friends. This same Russ Arey loved his Harley's over the years, and loved the trips and memories he made along the way. So it was more than fitting that he mount one of those novelty street signs on his driveway which read; "Harley Road" (he'd tried his damndest to find one that said "Bullshit Boulevard" but had no luck).

As I understand the story, shortly after he posted this sign at the end of his driveway - a rather lengthy driveway at that - who should come along but the folks that were mapping out all the highways and roadways for the on-line mapping community. Did he happen to converse with them and get them to join him in a prank? Or did they just make an innocent mistake? (I like to think it's the first one.)

Anyway, you can guess what happened - they recorded his driveway as a legitimate road, and named it "Harley Road". I'm not kidding; do a search on Google Maps (or Yahoo Maps, if you prefer) for "Harley Road" in South Thomaston, ME, and it'll pull up Russ's driveway.

I know that Russ is up there somewhere, chuckling to himself about this.

Ride Well, Russ. Ride Well, and Ride Hard.

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