Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Return of Eddie!

Had a picture text from Mary out in NY earlier today and had to get the pic posted up here while I had a break at work.

You may remember Eddie from way back when Zig and I did our Sturgis trip. On our return leg, we were hanging in Olean for a few days and got introduced to Eddie, the Wonder Dog. Eddie has this great trick where he drags his nuggets across the carpet on command - how hilarious is that?!?! As much fun as that is, he also has a G-rated trick, where he plays dead on command. Point your finger, say "Eddie! Bang!" and he drops. Too cool! Eddie's last appearance on this blog was a couple of months ago, nearing Halloween, and he was dressed as Batman's trusty sidekick; BatDog.

Well here he is once again, this time he's dressed for the upcoming holiday.

Mary titled it; "Bark the Herald, Angels sing". That's a frikkin' riot! (Eddie doesn't seem to share the same level of appreciation for wit and humor, though...)

Santa is coming, so hopefully everyone out there is being nice. (Although, a little 'naughty' every now and then isn't so bad, either!)

Ok, back to work...

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