Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cinco Countdown...

The 9th annual Pig Roast and Partay is 4 days away...and I'm just as ready for it as I am at this time, every year. The to-do list is a mile long, but no matter; some things will get done, others will not. And we'll still have as great a time as we always do.

Work has been a bear this week, and tomorrow will be more of the same. But I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to get the house wrapped up (as much as possible) before it's 'go' time.

Electrician/Cook Extraordinaire Michael may wind up coming over on Thursday to help do more work in the basement. Either way, there'll be some beerverages involved with the days' tasks. Friday will be more of the same, but even better; we've got co-conspiritors coming to town!

The NY crew shows up Friday night - as well as a long-lost buddy of ours (Paul) that's coming to town for the shindig. We'll all catch up, then it'll be out for beers and eats. Then; back home to get more stuff done...although, I'm not sure how much more work will get done as Paul will be hanging out, too. And you know that'll mean more beers into the wee hours. No matter, I'm always too wired about the party to get much sleep anyway. Saturday will be up early to meet the cooking crew and take 'em out for breakfast, then it's a long "party-hearty, Marty" day, putting the last person down sometime before 4am (hopefully). Sleep a few hours, then it's up and clean madly because we've got registration going on for a charity ride on Sunday. And of course, that will entail an after party (that I've heard is going to kick ass). Sunday evening will be early to bed (har har har, I kill myself!) - ok, that'll probably be a late one, too. Monday will be a major haze...

Every weekend should be like this!

To those who keep asking what they can bring; pack me an extra liver, will ya?

4 days...

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