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Friday, August 26, 2011

Good Night, Irene!

My plans have changed – but is that anything new? Originally, I was heading to Maine tonight after work, to help get The Clearing prepped for next weekend’s Maine Event, then I was going to break for Olean on either Sunday night or Monday morning. However, Rob and Russ busted their humps last weekend, and from what I’m hearing; The Clearing is all set. And that is excellent news for me, because it means I won’t have to be riding 650 miles through hurricane Irene. Instead, I’ll be departing first thing tomorrow morning and enjoying dry weather on my westward journey, as the skies behind me begin to darken and roil. At some point after I’m clear of Dodge, Irene will make her visit, leaving carnage and destruction in her wake. Well, as much ‘carnage and destruction’ can be mustered from 50mph winds. McCarthy asked me this morning if my house was going secure for the coming hurricane, and I said yeah; I’ll be sure to pick up the few twigs that fall, when I get back. (Imagine my surprise if I get back and find nothing but a foundation…)

So anyway, I’ll be safe and dry in Olean, but my liver will probably be suffering through a bit of a hurricane on its own. (Hey, did someone say Hurricane’s? I love those drinks!!)

An added bonus this year; Olean’s “Rally in the Valley” is going on this weekend. In years past when I get out there on the weekend prior to Labor Day, I’ve seen flyers and posters announcing this event, but it’s always happened mid-August, and I’ve missed it. This year, for some reason, it’s being held later than usual…it’s being held on this weekend! Mark has already suggested we head down there on Saturday evening and check things out. That, sounds like a marvelous plan, to me!

So best of luck to everyone that will be sticking close to home this weekend and riding out Irene. One good thing to keep in mind; whenever a hurricane moves through, it clears out the weather for a few days, leaving calm, clear skies behind it. So get those scoots out and enjoy the weather while you can…Fall is approaching in the distance and will be here soon. While we still can, we gotta…

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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