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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How's That Surprise Workin' Out For Ya?

Bill and I were slated to head up to the NH house this past weekend to get some work done on the yard.  But, then Myszka started texting me at 10am on Friday morning; he was coming out to visit!  And, he was bringing Tom with hime!

He'd only made up his mind to do so, about two days earlier, and hadn't wanted to tell anyone so as to surprise folks.  Surprise!  I'm not going to be around, and neither are Bill and Tara, who are heading up north as well.  (How's that surprise thing workin' out?)

But no matter; brothers were coming out and plans needed to be changed!  A quick call to Bill to call off the work weekend, and I shot home.  I'd already secured a half day off from the job so instead of using that time to miss traffic going north, I jumped on the bike and headed west to meet Steve and Tom at the halfway point.

All things considered (leaving at roughly the same time, each having 250 miles of pavement to travel, me hitting a feet-down, bike-off traffic jam on the Pike, them having to make more gas stops due to smaller gas tanks, etc), we did pretty damn well and only missed meeting up at exactly the same time by about 10 minutes.

Some quick grub to fill the furnaces (both us and the bikes) and we were soon hammering eastward, finally pulling up at Kevin's house where the guys were staying for the weekend.  Beers and shots of course soon followed, along with Kevin working the stove and grill to get a late feast served for the guys.

The drinks and good cheer were flowing fast and durious so I took my leave around 11:30.  I knew if I stuck around much longer, I'd be pulling up sleeping space on the couch.  (And it was a good idea to leave since I later found out that they'd been up to about 3:30 in the morning.)

The next day, the boys were off to a local brewhouse where many of us Massholes caught up with them as the afternoon wore on.  The beers were delicious (and strong!), the bartender was a hottie, and we even got a behind-the-scenes tour of the place.  Good times!

From there, we rolled on to Chickie Flynn's for more camaraderie and more friends showing up.  We had dinner, washed it down with a few more frosties, then headed back to my place for a fire and more drinks.  And more folks showed up - sweet!

We didn't run that long into the evening, it'd been a pretty long day.  I do remember capping off the evening with pulling out the Johnny Blue and savoring that smooth sweet nectar with a good number of us.

The next morning, and I was feeling the effects of having gone hard on little food the day before.  Kevin texted that the boys hit the road around 9am and I busied myself with chores around the house.  Around 6 in the afternoon, the messages began coming in; the boys had arrived home, safely.  We all agreed that we'd had a hell of a great weekend and we couldn't wait to do it again.

I didn't get any work done on the house in NH, but did manage to give the liver a working over, and share lots of laughs with some awesome brothers.  Definitely made the right choice.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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