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Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Ho Ho Ho!

Dusting of snow and rain yesterday but the skies cleared off in the afternoon and the sun came out.  Sweet!  Dry that nasty shit off of the roads!

Alas, the sun didn’t last long enough and the moisture on the roadways froze up as soon as the sun went down (my driveway was a sheet of ice when I got home!)

Surprisingly, none of the towns put any salt down and there were plenty of slick spots on the way in this morning…in the Jeep.  L

The good news is the sun is shining brightly out there now and the roads look like they’re pretty clear.  The other good news is that I’ve got a half day at work today, so I’m going to knock out some last minute shopping and then head home to get a few miles on.  Merry Christmas to me!

And speaking of Christmas, I probably won’t be posting anything until after the holiday so here’s wishing all you troublemakers a happy and healthy holiday.  I’m back in the office on Monday for a little bit, then I’ve got the rest of the week off.  My liver is dreading what’s coming but he’s given up on trying to convince me to behave, so…yeah.

Merry Christmas!
Get Some Miles On!

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