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Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Global Warming

We just set a record for the lowest "high" temperature today.  We made it all the way up to 6 degrees in Boston (out here in Walpole, we enjoyed a balmy 15).  I didn't really pay attention to the weather report or what the lady was saying, but I did hear something about coldest high temp ever recorded for this day (Dec 28th).  The records go back 100 years, so for this year's Dec 28th to be the coldest ever...well...that's saying something.  Ain't it ain't something good.

Tonight's temps are going to drop even lower tonight so maybe we'll set a new record.  And, the temps don't look like they're going to climb out of the cellar for at least a week.  Awesome.

We don't usually see these kinds of temps until mid-Feb and while it sucks, it at least signals Winter has reached its peak. From there on out, the temps usually begin a maddeningly slow increase, but at least; upward.  Having these temps so early in the season makes me kinda nervous about what kind of winter we're in store for.

On a lighter note, Kate, Zig and I are heading out to Olean tomorrow, for New Year's.  King texted today to say that they had sub-zero temps going on, so we're not exactly improving our warmth factor but getting to see all those great friends will go a long way toward warming us up.

Here's wishing everyone a fantastic close-out to 2017, and a healthy and happy New Year's!

(Wishing I was able to) Ride Hard, Take Chances

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