Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Absentia In Excess

Holy crap! Has it really been over a year and a half since my last post? (In all honesty, I did mention that I'd been contemplating stepping away from this thing.)

I guess it would be interesting if I explained that I'd been on some grand, worldwide adventure or something, and that's why I haven't been keeping up to date.

But alas, that's not the case. Like most folks, I've been working too much and being laid too little.

I just noticed that my phone changed "paid too little" to "laid too little". I was going to correct it, but then it dawned on me that either statement is equally accurate.

Anyway, the reason I'm here after such a lengthy absence is because I was scolded for not keeping current. I can't promise it won't be another long stretch before I pop in again, but I did want to stop in real quick and say...

...Hi Mom McCarthy, I'm doing ok. Thank you for caring. :-)

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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