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Friday, January 15, 2010

Californ…er…Kentucky Dreamin’!!

Winter has us tight in its grasp. Even when the weather gods grant us a bit of a reprieve (temps are forecast to be mid 40’s tomorrow) we’re still screwed. The roads are their usual pastel white, due to the layers of corrosive salt just lying in wait for any poor soul that cares to deliver some fresh and tasty chrome into it’s hungry maw.

What is one to do to maintain sanity? Why, road trip planning, of course!

Sure, we have the usual pig roast in May to look forward to. And there’s the Rendezvous in June. August will find us on the road to Olean once again for the annual mad dash to Maine. As you can see; there are lots of miles to look forward to. However, those of you paying close attention may have noticed a gap in the aforementioned sequence. Let’s recap…

A trip/event in May? Check (pig roast)
A trip/event in June? Check (Rendezvous)
A trip/event in July? Chec..er…no! No, July is open! We cannot have this! We must set something up! We must plan!

Thankfully, Coose and Mary have come to the rescue. They have family that owns a farmstead in Kentucky. Kentucky! This same family has (foolishly?) seen fit to invite us all to spend a weekend with them, camping, cooking, and basically just enjoying life. Sounds sweet!

I put the question to Coose the other day; would it be OK to extend the invite to others? His reply was classic;

Of course it's O.K. If we're letting Ziggy go it's hard to imagine excluding someone else.
Looks like John Baire is going. Also, Garv is talking about it.
Also, Hurl and his wife.
Any chance of Flex or Thirsty or any of the others going along? We might as well make it a full scale invasion.
Kentucky may never be the same.

“Kentucky may never be the same.” I don’t think I could have worded it any better.

Ahhh, another plan in place. That certainly helps the sanity level during the cold and blustery months.

Now if only I could hibernate the rest of winter away, I’d be ecstatic…

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