Hello? Is this thing on?

Tell me when you've started recording... What? We're live?? Damn - any chance we can start over?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What a Town!

Sorry folks, I know I've been remiss on the posting, but it's Budget season here at work and I'm slammed. But you have been very patient...well...most of you have been patient, some of you are pushy bastards! But that's ok, makes me feel loved. Or something sappy like that. So with that in mind, here's a quick anectdote from this year's Labor Day Trip for you.

Where else but in Olean can:
Two guys go to a bar...
The two guys meet a bartender...
The bartender buys the guys drinks...
At the end of the night, the bartender bring the guys home...
The bartender gives the guys more drinks...and even feeds them...
The two guys sleep over...

...And in the morning, the bartender's husband takes the two guys out for breakfast! What a town!

(In the interest of full disclosure, we've been friends with Mark and Mary for years and years, but it makes for a funny story if told with a bit of a spin on it.)

Thanks for all your hospitality, guys!

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