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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quick Bits

Too busy trying to catch up here at work to get into the full spectrum of this year's Labor Day event, but I will get things posted as I'm able. For now, here's a few quick notes of some of the fun I had...

I swam in a quarry.
I befriended a Frenchman who spoke little English, but who wrote a biker comic story and is going to send me a copy (hopefully this version will be in English).
I lit up a glass tree.
I mowed a lawn.
I took some trees down.
I left some trees alone.
I won at bar Yahtzee...ok, not really.
I saved kids' feet from broken glass.
I trashed my own bare feet on a long rocky road.
I finally stopped to say hello to an old friend that I've only waved to, in passing, for almost 20 years.
I helped redecorate the seating arrangements in a bar.
I learned a new phrase "WHAT THE F***ING C*CK!!"
I saw a stone snake basking in the sun.
I exchanged jokes with old time bikers I'd never met before, over a crackling fire.
I had my image drawn in chalk.
I saw the god Neptune astride his Harley, escaping with his Mermaid lover.
I quaffed a beer in solitude and contemplated the moon and nighttime sky.
I found that, amongst the right friends, I can listen to music I don't like and find it's not so bad after all.
I stayed up too late, for no good reason, and with no one to talk to, all while knowing that the open road would be calling all too soon in the morning.
I slept under trees.
I sat atop a live grenade for 12 straight hours.
I enjoyed the sights and scents of wildflowers, at 85 miles an hour.
I read a book by firelight, next to my bike.
I did a stopover in Cuba but Castro was no where to be found.
I was given a knife-eating dragon.
I passed a moving fleet of snowplows in 90-degree heat.
I hunted crystals in the woods.
I intruded on some bees who let me off with just a warning.
I held court with a King.
I got shot by a sherriff.
I hid from the sun and chased the moon.
I had Fish Heads inserted into my brain.
I rode west across the back of a hog, and did not stop.
I rode east across the back of a hog, and did stop.
I rode on the backs of several of my friend's hogs.
I retrieved lobsters from the sand.
I chatted with a rooster who was certain that sunrise was at 2am.
I shot squirrels (with my camera).
I recited my poem.
I said hello to dear friends who have passed.

I wish I were doing it all over again, tomorrow.

Ride Hard, Take Chances

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