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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Death of Iron Man

Last week's dry run/test was successful; I'd placed the canoe half that wasn't used for my costume, out to the street to see if the trash guys would take it. They did. So that meant this week saw Iron Man out at the end of my driveway, awaiting the arrival of said trash detail. I even placed it facing outwards so that anyone that drove by (and my neighbors, now that I think about it) could see it and wonder what the hell that weird Magraw guy is up to this time.
I probably should have taken a pic, but didn't. Oh well, you've seen the costume pics, you can probably picture it sitting out by the street. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!), Iron Man was gone when I got home last night.
You think maybe he took off on his own, to go fight crime??
Nah, me either.

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